Right now we are developing a service for mobile to obtain the labels that are stored in tridion (mobile publication) in a Core component that it's attached to the Publish settings page.
First I tried to obtain the information using the Model service, but because the page template it’s a JSON template the pagemodel service fails so I tried to do it in another manner and I can find this information by obtaining the Binaries using the content.svc service like in the call below
Call 1 http://domain:8183/client/v2/content.svc/BinaryContents(BinaryId=147,PublicationId=5,VariantId='cmVzb3VyY2Vz')/$value
the variantId I have found it by calling this endpoint
Call2 http://domain:8181/client/v2/content.svc/Binaries(BinaryId=147,PublicationId=5)/BinaryVariants
but publicationId 5 it’s a desktop language, but in the response I can see all the binaries of the component 147 in all languages except for the mobile publication that its 78, so I tried to call this service with publication id 78 but in the response is the same, so I tried to call the service with publication 78 and the same variantID and it works
Call 3 http://domain:8183/client/v2/content.svc/BinaryContents(BinaryId=147,PublicationId=78,VariantId='cmVzb3VyY2Vz')/$value
So one of the questions that I want to ask is
• Why Call 1 returns all the binaries for all the publications and why publications of mobile are not shown? (Something to take into account is that our mobile applications don’t have a web app application, our app gets content information from our spring boot application via restful calls, and we use CIL lib and Model service to communicate with tridion)
• Where does the VarientID come from?
• Is VarientID the same for all instances of the binary in all publications?