We have just finished install of DXA 2.2 Example Site. We have published out all pages and the site shows up, but we don't get links to work as we expect them to. For instance the top menu item "Articles" goes to the url /articles but this just return an error message "No matching Localization found for URL 'http://.../articles' To get the actual page I have to go to the url: http://…/articles/index.html.
Are we missing some configuration here or what is happening?
We have installed the Example site as is, and hence it has Publication Path "\". We have another publication in the system that also has the same Publication Path, but they are connected to different websites with different domain-names in topology manager. So I don't think that should be a problem…
We are running SDL Web 8.5 and are now trying to install DXA 2.2. We have followed the installation instruction on SDL Documentation Center regarding "Installing DXA for SDL Tridion Sites" (hopefully).
We are installing in a DV-environment where we have CMS and Publisher on one server. We have Microservices for deploy and delivery on another windows server. On this server (staging) we have installed an IIS web site DXA Staging containing the DXA .Net Example Site.
EDIT: To answer the two questions about topology mapping.
I have both stage and live sites set up in Topology Manager, this is my three staging sites. I have (in stage) two custom build web services working with different broker databases and now this DXA example site. They have three different domain-names specified we can call them xxxx, yyyy and zzzz.
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> get-ttmwebsite
BaseUrls : {http://yyyy}
CdEnvironmentId : stage
EnvironmentPurpose : Staging
CdEnvironment :
ScopedRepositoryKeys : {}
Id : StagingResourceService
ExtensionProperties : {}
BaseUrls : {http://xxxx:8070}
CdEnvironmentId : stage_cp
EnvironmentPurpose : Staging
CdEnvironment :
ScopedRepositoryKeys : {DxaSiteType, DxaExampleSite}
Id : Website2
ExtensionProperties : {}
BaseUrls : {http://zzzz}
CdEnvironmentId : stage_cp
EnvironmentPurpose : Staging
CdEnvironment :
ScopedRepositoryKeys : {}
Id : StagingResourceService_cp
ExtensionProperties : {}