I need to add a Keyword based on its Keyword title using the Core Service. Please help me which function of Core Service I can use along with some sample code if possible as well.
I have a Keyword field name called "familyKeyword" Here I just need to insert a Keyword to field name family keyword using Core Service.
string domainName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["domainName"];
string userName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["userName"];
string passowrd = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["passowrd"];
timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd:MM:yy h:mm:ss tt").Replace(":", "_").Replace(" ", "");
string content = string.Empty;
//string familyKeyword = "familyKeyword";
//string keywordTitle = "Aromatics & Fibers";
client = CoreServiceClientFactory.GetClient();
var ComponentContent = client.Read("tcm:13-149625", new ReadOptions()) as ComponentData;
content = ComponentContent.Content;