Tridion Sites 9.6 adds in the user interfaces, the ability for Keywords to have multiple parents within a given Category.
Apparently, this reuse was possible in the Content Manager programmatically and reflected in the data model, but it hasn't been exposed in the UIs until Sites 9.6 (where you can set multiple parents in Experience Space and have them visible in Experience Space or the Classic UI).
Consider the following hypothetical hierarchy, where the same set of "regional" Keywords each have the same two parent Keywords.
Is it possible to setup a Category for a Schema field text definition so that editors can select a Keyword and its parent? In other words, could an editor select a region for a specific type of partner in the above example?
For example, if the editor selected North America
under Technology
, is it possible for the Content Manager (and eventually Content Delivery) to know the selection is specifically for "North America > Technology?"
Checking the source, I can only see just one Keyword TCM URI selected. See here where North America is selected in a drop-down as well as from a tree.
<Content xmlns="uuid:172e6b02-c11c-4519-ade3-1a419e0262b6">
<PartnerType xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="tcm:2-1611-1024" xlink:title="North America">North America</PartnerType>
<PartnerTypeTree xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="tcm:2-1611-1024" xlink:title="North America">North America</PartnerTypeTree>
It seems the multiple parent feature is more about making it easier to find and select a Keyword. I think I'm confusing this with expectations on nested taxonomies on web sites or application. :-)
It'd be great if someone has background on the original use case for multiple parents for Keywords!