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Questions tagged [keyword]

Keyword is an item type in Tridion. Keywords are organised within Categories to create Taxonomies. Keywords are not versioned. When components with keywords are published, the keywords can be queried to retrieve matching components to be served by the web application.

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1 answer

Is the path to a reused Keyword stored in the Content Manager?

Tridion Sites 9.6 adds in the user interfaces, the ability for Keywords to have multiple parents within a given Category. Apparently, this reuse was possible in the Content Manager programmatically ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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saving components issue with keywords Sites 9.1

We did upgrade for one of the customer from SDL 8.5 to Sites 9.1 and we are having issues saving the component with keywords. Keyword with title 'Country Region' does not exist in Category 'Country' ...
user202's user avatar
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KeywordModelData instead of actual keyword returned in PCA query

I am querying the PCA for Component Presentations in order to return the data via a service. I've found that the relevant data is available in { edges { node { rawContent { data ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Linked keywords are not expanded and embedded

SDL Documentation About DXA's resolution of linked Components during publishing We are using DXA 2.2 but want to expand and embed Keywords when publishing, there may be a lot of Keywords which could ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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Retrieving KeywordModel metadata inside component model of a nested category/keyword (DXA 2.0.3, Java)

I've been trying to retrieve the metadata value of extended entity of KeywordModel on DXA 2.0.3 with no luck. My component is called kennisitem with the following schema: Kennisitem has a metadata ...
Chris's user avatar
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Restrict Keyword to be published in Taxonomy for local sites

We have a requirement where we need to restrict publishing of certain Keywords of a Cateogry, for only 1 local site. All Category/Keywords are created in 100 Schemas level, (so they are inherited for ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
1 vote
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How to Restrict the Group Users to create new Keywords in child publications?

Category and keywords are created at parent publication, there itself we need to assign Write permissions to Author-Groups on Category. Now we don't want the same group to create new keywords in child ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

SDL Tridion Character Limit increase on Keywords' Description Field

My authoring team gets the below error and they want to increase the character limit on Keywords' Description Field. Invalid value for property 'Description'. The length of the Description property ...
Sudhakar Rao's user avatar
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In which table I can see Keyword Metadata Information in Broker Db?

We have keywords which have Metadata Schema and some values in the Keyword metadata. Is there any specific table where I can see Metadata info for the Keywords? I can see one Entry in Custom_Meta ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
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Keyword Metadata is not coming properly if it has tcm id of some other componnets

We have a Business requirement where they want to Attach some Images in some keywords using keyword metadata schema. i am able to fetch Metadata Information, but it seems it is not working for the ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Keyword key field mandatory

Keyword fields are optional. We would need the key field to be mandatory in order to avoid back-end errors. Is there an easy way to make the key field of a keyword mandatory?
Maitane's user avatar
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DXA: KeywordModelData missing from Dynamic Component using GetEntityModelData in .Net

While trying to retrieve Content using dynamic component presentation, the KeywordModelData returns only the ID and other values are missing. For the field "name" as shown below. The same question ...
SRajeshK's user avatar
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Orphan Keywords

What are they (which conditions need to apply for a Keyword to be considered an orphan), how would one exactly make one, and how do you use the OrphanKeywordsFilterData class? I tried making a ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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Categories publishing failing

I am having problems publishing Categories from our Dev CMS. I am able to publish Pages and Components in Dev though. The error that I am receiving is: 2018-07-12 05:03:05,721 ERROR ...
k951's user avatar
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Getting error in logs after doing CMS DB restore for WEB 8 in our application

Getting below warning in logs after doing CMS DB restore for WEB 8 in our application. The app fails to load and gives a blank page. I am, however, NOT able to find this particular keyword in any of ...
guest_2017's user avatar
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Get components linked to keywords in SDL Web 8

I would like to know, how can we access the components linked to a particular Keyword in SDL Web 8, from our DXA Java web application. Currently I do not see any field in my WebApp that maps to the ...
guest_2017's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Default value for Checkboxes from Category

I'm currently using "Values to be selected from a list", and "Category", with List type being Checkboxes. My Categories list has 5 items in them, I'd like to have 3 of them selected by default (as ...
Daryl H's user avatar
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'Default Value' set to True/False in Metadata Schema not being selected and displayed in Component/Keywords

We are creating a Metadata schema for our country list that is a Category-Keyword in SDL Web 8.5. In Metadata schema we are defining, whether the country in from EMEA region or not by setting a flag ...
guest_2017's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the purpose of Related Keyword?

When I open a Keyword, there is Parent and Child Keywords, and also Related Keywords. What are they, what is the purpose of it, what is their behavior while publishing?
Djordje Nedovic's user avatar
5 votes
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Fetching Keywords from SDL taking too long

I have a form with 10 fields and each field's value is coming from SDL Keywords (refer below images). And some of them have over 200 values. This is making loading of the page slow.. Is there any way,...
Bhawna Jain's user avatar
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How to get Related Keywords from a Keyword in the Order they are attached?

Scenario: Category : CatA Keyword : KeywordA Related Keywords in KeywordA(In The Order They are linked): KeywordB, KeywordC, KeywordF, KeywordE, KeywordD Sample TCM IDs(Order of Creation): ...
Sharad Kumar Sangal's user avatar
3 votes
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When publishing with DXA and a nested keyword structure, "ParentKeywords" does not get populated

When viewing something published with DXA and a nested Keyword structure, is doesn’t seem that "ParentKeywords": [], gets populated when generated using DXA Component Template Generate Dynamic ...
Travis's user avatar
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Loading a list of Keywords is very slow in SDL Web 8 CME

We are using SDL Web 8.1 and we are facing a issue while accessing Keywords inside a Category which takes more then 2 min but before upgrading to Web 8 from 2013 SP1 HR1 it was quite fast. The ...
Abdul Qadir's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue deleting Keyword in Tridion

I'm trying to delete a Keyword in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 and it doesn´t allow me to do it because "an element is using this Keyword", but when I go to see this, elements are all older versions. So ...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
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Taxonomy publishing issue, when Category/Keyword in CM & broker databases are not in sync

I am trying to publish a taxonmy, but following getting error : Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UIX_TAXFACETS'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.TAXFACETS'. The duplicate key value is (...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Creating KeywordFieldDefinitionData type fields

I have a requirement to create Components based on a Schema via Core Service. The content will be coming from an Excel spreadsheet. I was able to handle most of the field types, except one with ...
Harish A's user avatar
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Keyword with multiple parents

The official SDL docs and the CME state/show that a keyword can have "parent keywords" (multiple), also, I've read about that from various sources, and it's even explicitly mentioned in a comment here....
Atila Sos's user avatar
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Publishing Keyword

We have by chance found out that you can send by core service keyword to publish. Once in queue, you can even see it from GUI. We know that's not allowed from GUI (only category can be published). SO ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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Why can't I add keywords to a specific category?

I've created a category with several keywords and subkeywords. When I try to add a sub keyword to a specific keyword, it works for only the first 3...: As you can see the "new" option in the context ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
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Get Keys based on Keyword value in DWT

We are using Category and Keyword to display a drop down to author while putting content in component. Now in TBB we can get value of selected keyword. But as per requirement We want to give ...
Harish Sharma's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get Keyword key and keyword name in DXA

I have created model in DXA namespace Sdl.Web.Web.Common.Models { public class Test:EntityModel { public Tag Test{ get; set; } } } I'm able to get the Keyword key @Model.Test....
k951's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding Parent Keyword into existing keyword

I have a keyword list that is getting quite large, is there an easy way to add a parent to an existing keyword so I can nest the keywords?
GAG's user avatar
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DXA 1.5 - Category / Keyword Metadata approach

We have a couple of Category/Keywords that are using a MetaData Schema, and the Tag class provided by DXA doesn't contain the metadata and looking at the source code I can't see a way to easily enrich ...
Andy Blyth's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to rename a Category in Tridion 2013 SP1?

I would have thought the answer would be yes, but I'm getting the following error when attempting to do so: Unable to save item Root Category must be an inheritance root. I'm editing the hierarchy ...
J Stuart's user avatar
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2 answers

Tridion 2011 Core Service get keyword tcm from ComponentData

I'm getting the content from a component and in this content I have a field that represents a keyword. How could I get the tcm from that keyword? "etiquetas" field is my keywords. <...
Ignacio Tome's user avatar
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Granting Read access to Category for specific Groups using PowerShell Scripts

For reference please see the script running for updating the category with specific groups and granting read permission:- $groupI = (Get-TridionGroup -GroupName "Group I").Id $groupIRead = @{} $...
k951's user avatar
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2 answers

Tridion 2011 How to get keywords from a category hierarchical

I'm trying to get all the keywords from a category hierarchical in Tridion 2011. I don't care to do it through the core service, from a c# TBB or a C# dll to include it into a TBB. Does anyone knows ...
Ignacio Tome's user avatar
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DD4T 2.0 Java Spring MVC: How to fetch the component field value when it has multiple keywords as its values?

In ViewModel class I am not able to fetch the field values; the field has multiple keywords as its value (say keyword1 and keyword2). Below is the snapshot of the In ViewModel class I tried to use ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to get all keywords inside the particular category using C# TBB

I have Tcm id of category in my app.config. In my C# TBB i am writing below code to get all keywords associated with this category public class GetKeywords : ITemplate { public void Transform(...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
2 votes
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Default value of a Schema field is not set in Component for multi value fields

We have an embedded Schema Link used in many other Schemas as a multi value. One of the fields in this Link Schema is Target Type which is a drop-down select from Category. The Category has 2 Keywords:...
Huston Lopes's user avatar
9 votes
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Sorting results by relevance when using TaxonomyKeywordNameCriteria with OrCriteria

We are implementing keyword based retrieval of the content. When querying the broker for components tagged with ANY of the given keywords in a Taxonomy, results returned are not sorted by relevance. ...
premkumar subramanian's user avatar
7 votes
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How to fetch results of broker Query in sorted order based on keywords Metadata

Is there any way to get the results of Broker Query in a sorted order based on the metadata of keyword, keyword itself a metafield of the component. We have 3 types of products Gold, Silver, Platinum ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
5 votes
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Tridion Category XmlName with Content Porter

Using the Content Porter API we're building on the idea of the DTAP-it extension from Jaime and Warner One issue we have is the XmlName of the Category is different from Dev and ACC, and this is ...
robrtc's user avatar
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3 answers

SDL 2013 SP1 - XML Error prevents successful save of new component

The Problem is this, we’ve created a schema at a high level (020) in the blueprint called “link.” We’ve also created a category called “URI Classification” in the same publication, but have not ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Changes in the way a componentlink in keyword metadata is stored in the Broker for 2013

We're in the process of migrating from 2009 to 2013. We have custom metadata stored on keywords and those keywords are published to the Broker. Before the migration, we could apparently get the ...
Reinder Wit's user avatar
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Sync keywords between 2 systems?

I have 2 environments with mostly the same keywords, but the small differences are making Content Porter unhappy, which is making me unhappy. The failed Content Porter imports are mostly related to ...
robrtc's user avatar
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Keyword: How can I access a keyword's metadata field value?

We have a category called ProductType with keywords to denote each type and we have a metadata schema called Product Group Metadata associated for each keyword. This metadata schema has three fields. ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do I get all keywords in a category and all child categories, using TOM.NET?

I have a parent publication "A", where a category is created. Now several child publications are inherited from this parent publication A: keywords can be created in any of these child Publications. ...
Mario van der Hoeven-Riesebos's user avatar
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Can we model dependencies between lists of keywords in Tridion? [duplicate]

I have the requirement to fetch the all the keywords inside the keyword using some event over component. Say for example that I have one category called product pages. Inside this I have two ...
Gaurav Agarwal's user avatar
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Retrieving all Keywords based on Category WebDAV using CoreService in SDL Tridion 2011 SP1

For cache purpose we're querying some Keywords based on Category WebDAV on application start. In Tridion 2011 following code used to achive this and worked well: _coreService.GetSearchResults(new ...
Vitaliy's user avatar
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