In the example below: https://docs.rws.com/816112/933327/sdl-tridion-sites-9-5-main-documentation/graphql-requests-using-boolean-expressions-with-more-than-two-operands A combination of two-operand Boolean expression with a third operand are used to form a three-operand Boolean expression. Something like: A or (B and C) Where A, B and C are Boolean expressions

Is it possible to use groupBy to have two three-operand Boolean expressions grouped by or operator. Something like: (A and B and C) or (D and E and F) Where A, B, C, D, E and F are Boolean expressions

I'm trying to implement such query to get results based on two item types: Page and Component. Page, where I can search in page and its components indexed content. And Component where I can search in binary components (PDF documents). So I have the following query:

        sortBy: {fields:["modifiedDate"], sortAsText: false, sortingDirection: DESCENDING},
        criteria: {
        field: "itemType",
            value: "page",
            and: {
              groupBy: {
                field: "dynamic+appearinsearch",
                value: "yes",
                and: {
                  groupBy: {
                    field: "content+english",   
                    value: "Governance",
                    or: {
                      groupBy: {
                        field: "itemType",                      
                          value: "component",
                          and: {
                            groupBy: {
                              field: "binaryContentType",       
                                value: "application"
                              and: {
                                field: "content+general",       
                                    value: "Governance"
    }) {

For above query I'm only getting results for the first three-operand boolean expression, like the other one after or operator is totally ignored.


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