I have a content field where I have highlighted a word (where) and made it a Component link, this gets published as:
<p>Joining us couldn't be easier, just fill out the Join us eform and someone will be in
touch with you to let you know when and
<%Response.Write compLink.GetLinkAsString("tcm:0-41-1","tcm:41-103594-64","tcm:41-87758","tcm:0-0-0"," title=""aDisclaimer"" xmlns:tridion=""http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0""","where",True,False)%>
we meet!</p>
With additional code added prior to the page title when viewed in Visual studio 2008
Dim compLink
Set compLink = Server.CreateObject("cd_link.ComponentLink")
<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/masters/Homepage.master" %>
My compound Component template includes the C# Binary Component links, publish binaries in package and default finish actions TBBS.
If this link is removed other Component links that use an embedded schema show as
<tridion:ComponentLink runat="server"
LinkAttributes="title="CIC Footer""
PageURI="tcm:0-0-0" TemplateURI="tcm:0-0-0" AddAnchor="false"
Could you tell me where I am going wrong please, I am using SDL Tridion 2009, this is a new website, so I am wondering if I have the correct SDL Tridion references?