I know there is a command line interface to Content Porter. Can this be used to move commonly changed items (e.g. CSS or Javascript) between say a DEV and TEST environments?
I have managed to get a basic scenario to work but I had to manually create the settings files for import and export using Content Porter and then call a script like the following:
<!-- language: lang-none -->
@echo off
SET cproot="C:\Documents and Settings\rsleggett\Local Settings\Apps\2.0\XWVXZKY2.HEP\MV5DNY4J.EY9\cp.a..tion_51a0337025653ee3_0003.0001_37f2b7f83cbbdc3d"
ECHO Styles and Scripts Content Port
ECHO Enter your username
SET /p Username=
ECHO Enter your password
SET /p Password=
ECHO Attempting content port..
call %cproot%\cpcmd /Config:export.xml /User:%Username% /Password:%Password%
call %cproot%\cpcmd /Config:import.xml /User:%Username% /Password:%Password%
Would it be possible to say "all items in a given folder"? E.g. would my export.xml file maintain the fact that I checked the parent, or does that specifically select children which are then included in my export.xml?