The presentation of this site is set up in IIS using virtual directories. So an example url would be http://somedomain/virtualDirectory/aPage.html

When I create a new page in Experience Manager, the page is successfully created and published, but the result in the browser is an improper redirect resulting in a 404. Experience Manager is trying to view the new page as http://somedomain/aNewPage.html and omitting the Virtual Directory.

Could someone please point out any configuration they feel could have been missed or that I can provide to check over?

2 Answers 2


Assuming that the whole of the website Publication is published out to the virtualDirectory folder (i.e. the 'Publication URL' is virtualDirectory), then you can map this in the cd_dynamic_conf.xml file (within your website's /bin/config folder and the Content Delivery Webservice) using a Publication element:

<Publication Id="95">
   <Host Domain="somedomain" Port="80" Protocol="http" Path="/virtualDirectory"/>

enter image description here

More details on this can be found in the Mapping Publication IDs to friendly URLs page in the online documentation (login required).

** Caution: The following note is given in this page of the online documentation:

Note that this functionality is only supported for the Java Content Delivery Web service, not the .NET Content Delivery Web service.

  • 1
    Does cd_dynamic_conf influence the publication properties (would you set both)? Also I understand the path and URL settings don't have to match (e.g. a slash for the path even when the URL differs). Commented Oct 18, 2013 at 14:50
  • Hi Alvin. Yes, you're right - the Path and URL do not have to match. The path only influences where the content is published to on the file system. I have recently done a project with lots of Virtual Applications/Directiories and we set it in both the Publication Properties and the cd_dynamic_conf.xml Commented Oct 18, 2013 at 15:15

Looking at the issue my guess would be that the Path and URL in Publication is not properly configured. When a page is created in XPM the XPM redirects to the page by using the websites base address + Publication.URL + structure groups paths (if any) + page filename + page extension. Please check you publication properties and ensure that Path and URL are appropriately saved.

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