I'd like to use Custom URL to populate embedded schema field. First level and Second level embedded schemas made as repeatable. First Level : NameValueSet Second Level : NameValuePair. I am able to pass value to the first child(namevalue) but not for the further childs within the same embedded schema.Whenever I try to add values to the next childs the popup is opening in new tab instead of in a new popup and window.dialogArguments is returning NULL. If I am repeating the first embedded schema I am able to pass the value to component. PFB the source of the component:

    <contentschema xmlns="uuid:4cd36b65">
            <namevalue>Authenticated - Yes</namevalue>
            <namevalue>**UNABLE TO ADD HERE**</namevalue>
            <namevalue>Subproduct - GP</namevalue>
            <namevalue>Subproduct - MRKT</namevalue>

Please find below how my schema look like:

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Instead of using the dialogArguments. Have you tried accessing to the field builder directly?

Check this out.

var componentWindow = window.opener.window;
var componentView = componentWindow.$display.getView();
var fieldBuilder = componentView.properties.controls.fieldBuilder;


You can access fields by path and set values from a popup.


Would you like to refer this question - Custom Page in Tridion is some times opening in new Tab Instead of Pop Up?

This is still unanswered but have few comments which you can follow and see if this resolve your issue.

I am kind of pretty sure that this is something related to the browser behaviour.

Try changing your browser - something like IE and see if it works.

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