Trying to get the basic extension on http://tridion.uibeardcore.com/2014/02/js-overwriting/ working but so far no joy.

  1. I unblocked the zip file and extracted to a location in the server.
  2. Created a "UIBeardcoreExtensionResources" virtual dir under SDL Tridion 2011 > WebUI > Models to point to this folder.
  3. Updated System.config <models> to include the right installPath, config and vdir.
  4. Updated modification number in System.config and restarted IIS.

System.config update:

<model name="UIBeardcore.Extension.Resources">
        <installpath>C:\Program Files (x86)\Tridion\web\WebUI\Models\UIBeardcore.Extension.Resources\</installpath>

IIS Update:

enter image description here

UIBeardcore config on Github:


I don't see messages in my console nor do I see the JS merged in with the main Dashboard JS.

I know I've missed something obvious!


I think the instructions will only work for Tridion 2013 as the Tridion.Web.UI.Core.Ajax.WebServiceProxy group doesnt exist in 2011.

  • Via your steps it does not seem to be wrong. Step 1: replace console calls with alert; Step 2: change JScriptMinifier settings (to disable it) Commented May 15, 2014 at 14:59
  • JScriptMinifier set to enabled="never"
    – Neil
    Commented May 15, 2014 at 15:01
  • Tried alerts but still nothing - the extension JS is simply not being loaded in. One thing I've spotted - are your instructions 2013 only - I'm using 2011 SP1?
    – Neil
    Commented May 15, 2014 at 15:03
  • Indeed! Does changing a group in extensions target from Tridion.Web.UI.Core.Ajax.WebServiceProxy to Tridion.Web.UI.Core.Ajax will make a difference ? Commented May 15, 2014 at 15:14
  • Working on a different extension, I noticed System.config seems to have xmlns="http://www.sdltridion.com/2009/GUI/Configuration" in each of the nodes. I was having a file not found issue that seemed to go away when I added the namespace. Commented Mar 31, 2015 at 7:32


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