Does anyone know if it possible to use SI4T so that a published category and its keywords (and metadata) can be indexed?
From the look of it I think I'm going to need my own deployer/storage extension as SI4T seems to be based around TBBs and templates which won't apply if I'm publishing the taxonomy directly.
We're using Elasticsearch and SI4T (with a custom indexer) as our standard site search. We're also going to leverage Elasticsearch for other dynamic functionality - e.g news listings etc.
Quick overview of what I'm trying to do:
I have airport data (47K rows) that includes an airport code, long/lat, county code and region code. The plan is to push this data straight into an Elasticsearch index (outside of Tridion so no airport schema/component) to drive some Google Map functionality - a Destination Guide - where a user can use the autocomplete to type in a name and on the map we show a pin an airport they select.
An extension to this has come in whereby the autocomplete should allow a user to type in a country or city as well as airport name - if a country/city is selected the map will then show all airport pins within that area and a small piece of country/city information, stuff like:
- Summary blurb
- Population
- Currency
- ISO Code
Its this stuff I was going to model as a metadata on a Country category that held countries and cities. This way keywords can be localised in Tridion and metadata translated as well as the Description field for country/city names:
- EU
- United Kingdom <-- Metadata
- London <-- Metadata
- Manchester <-- Metadata
- United Kingdom <-- Metadata
(There'll be a separate process to manage translated airport names)
The plan was to publish this category into Elasticsearch from Tridion such that our backend query can search for any matching country/city names and be able lookup airports via the ISO code (which matches the airport country or region code). Each translated site/publication would then have a complete translated list of country/city information, managed from within Tridion.
As we where already using SI4T, my first thought was does this have the capability to pass a published taxonomy into your index.