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7 votes
1 answer

Target Groups Not Excluding Component Presentations

We have a fresh install of DXA 1.7 (Java WebApp) on SDL Web 8.5. We recently enabled the context-expression-module on DXA by enabling the maven profile. The application builds fine and still renders ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why does DXA 1.5 require the Context Service?

During a DXA 1.5 install, on loading the default website I have an error in my site.log that it cannot find the ContextService. What is the ContextService used for in DXA 1.5? What functionalities ...
robrtc's user avatar
  • 10.2k
4 votes
1 answer

Does the DXA Mobile Implementation expose the device/browser screen width and or height?

I've been following the documentation for the DXA installation and it is a bit confusing what is needed in order to get certain "mobile" device information. For example, I only need the screen width ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Error initializing DXA 1.7

Running my DXA 1.7 I', seeing a YSOD: Unauthorized Request -- Please check your configuration settings to make sure your authentication details are correct. Checking site.log I can see the ...
Neil's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Context microservice throwing error in DXA app

I have set up a fresh Web 8.5 install, and a fresh DXA 1.7 Java web app. However, when I try to start my webapp, I get an error com.sdl.odata.client.api.exception.ODataClientHttpError: Unable to get ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

DXA 1.5 website is not able to load throwing context service error

We have DXA 1.5 website and recently we have noticed that sometime the site goes down. Checking the logs shows the below error. I can see the context service error that says "An error occurred while ...
Indra's user avatar
  • 511
2 votes
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DXA Context Expressions using custom claims

We are currently looking into DXA and Target Groups/Context Expressions. Using the Context Expressions module we can filter certain Component Presentations to show/not show, depending on the specified ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar