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Questions tagged [context-engine]

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Why the SDL Tridion Sites 9.1 Content Service with Context Cartridge "Cannot Find Repository"?

We are running the SDL Tridion Sites 9.1 Content Service and we have the context extension installed using the add-on service (udp-context-extension-assembly-XYZ-core). We are running the content ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Using Context Engine tags (context:if and context:eval) in file-store published JSP's

We're in the process of upgrading SDL Web 8.5 from in-process to REST in a scenario where we publish pages to the file store. Our pages contain a taglib definition: <%@taglib prefix="context" ...
Jonathan Primmer's user avatar
2 votes
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DXA Context Expressions using custom claims

We are currently looking into DXA and Target Groups/Context Expressions. Using the Context Expressions module we can filter certain Component Presentations to show/not show, depending on the specified ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Target Groups Not Excluding Component Presentations

We have a fresh install of DXA 1.7 (Java WebApp) on SDL Web 8.5. We recently enabled the context-expression-module on DXA by enabling the maven profile. The application builds fine and still renders ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
2 votes
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Context microservice throwing error in DXA app

I have set up a fresh Web 8.5 install, and a fresh DXA 1.7 Java web app. However, when I try to start my webapp, I get an error com.sdl.odata.client.api.exception.ODataClientHttpError: Unable to get ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
5 votes
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SDL Contextual Image Delivery not generating the cropped Image

I have followed SDL documentation for SDL Contextual Image Delivery and have done the below steps. Installing the API Server Role as a .NET Web application Installing the Image Transformation ...
user2315's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

DXA 1.5 website is not able to load throwing context service error

We have DXA 1.5 website and recently we have noticed that sometime the site goes down. Checking the logs shows the below error. I can see the context service error that says "An error occurred while ...
Indra's user avatar
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3 votes
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Error initializing DXA 1.7

Running my DXA 1.7 I', seeing a YSOD: Unauthorized Request -- Please check your configuration settings to make sure your authentication details are correct. Checking site.log I can see the ...
Neil's user avatar
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How to implement Context service in web application?

As per documentation I have installed Ambient Data Framework Installed Context Engine cartridge as a service. Configured the Discovery service in CD storage config of the application. Added the below ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
1 vote
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Clarifications on SDL Mobile implementation using Context service and discovery.js

In 2013 SP1, Context engine installation given as In Process, where as in web 8 it was given as service that means can't we use In Process dlls to evaluate expressions? We were getting compile errors ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Why does DXA 1.5 require the Context Service?

During a DXA 1.5 install, on loading the default website I have an error in my site.log that it cannot find the ContextService. What is the ContextService used for in DXA 1.5? What functionalities ...
robrtc's user avatar
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2 votes
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Web 8 - Context Engine Catridge - Creating Device database Issue

I'm trying to create device database on my Web 8 environment as per the doc. While running the updateRepository.ps1 cmdlet, experiencing below error: PS D:\SDLWeb_MicroServices\context\bin> .\...
ARRX's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Context Engine Cartridge - Initial Load Scenario

I'm working on a proof of concept using the SDL Mobile Context Engine Cartridge. We're using a wrapper ontop of the Context Engine - so we're not directly communicating with the ADF directly (through ...
Josh Hebb's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there any Documentation available for Context Engine?

In our project we are storing all the information of the device in the claim store using context engine. But sometimes it is not providing the correct result. Also not able to detect the new devices ...
Sayantan Basu's user avatar
8 votes
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Context Engine not returning the proper device version information

In our project we are storing all the information of the device in the claim store using context engine. It is working fine for all the mobile devices, But for IPhone it is only returning the device ...
Sayantan Basu's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to run the Content Engine Device Database update process on a standalone server?

Is it possible to run the Content Engine Device Database update process on a standalone server for all the HSQL DB instances? The scenario is that app servers in the DMZ cannot initiate outside ...
Nickoli Roussakov's user avatar
4 votes
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Does the DXA Mobile Implementation expose the device/browser screen width and or height?

I've been following the documentation for the DXA installation and it is a bit confusing what is needed in order to get certain "mobile" device information. For example, I only need the screen width ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
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Device Preview and SDL Mobile

I understand Experience Manager's Device Preview lets users choose a device to set: userAgent orientation width height This can be seen in devices.xml. <device name="Apple iPhone 5" icon="device....
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Can we integrate DD4T and SDL Mobile?

In one of our projects we need to Implement SDL Mobile using DD4T. Can we integrate DD4T with SDL Mobile? Thanks, Prasanna
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
1 vote
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Browser and Device Aspect Property: inputDevices

The Context Engine Cartridge includes an inputDevices property under Browser Aspect and Device Aspect. It could be one or more of: clickWheel keypad stylus touchScreen trackball It's described ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Is the Context Engine JavaScript file mandatory?

Just wanted to check with the community if the following context engine JavaScript file is mandatory: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/discover-min.js"></script> As this is a ...
johnwinter's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do I install SDL Mobile?

I have some questions about SDL Mobile. Maybe you can help me getting an idea, what I have to do to activate this feature inside Tridion? I'm installing a new server with SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 on a ...
Bjoern Dieck's user avatar
4 votes
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Tridion 2013 SP1 Context Engine - Creating the device database - Timeout

After installing Context Engine (following the SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 live documentation) I found the request to create/update the device database is timing out. CLI: java -Xmx1024m -jar lib\cwd_engine....
binarybasher's user avatar
7 votes
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How to change Context Engine defaults/detect first request handling?

I am using the Context Engine (without an SDL Mobile license, so no device database) to determine browser display width and drive layout of a site. This relies on a JavaScript file (discover-min.js) ...
Will Price's user avatar
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9 votes
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SDL Mobile and image fields within an RTF

I'm looking at implementing context engine and SDL Mobile in a new build. I see the simplicity of serving the correct image file per device should I have an image from a component imagefield, but if ...
johnwinter's user avatar
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4 votes
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Component Presentation Personalization

Can we re-use Context Expression Target Groups for custom personalization? I want to move "personalized" Component containers (Link Lists with metadata) to personalization at a Component Presentation ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Context Engine shows only a small list of claim store values

I've installed the context engine into my SDL Tridion 2013 GA content delivery website. I'm not quite sure where I got the installation from as I can't find it online (i must have found it somewhere!)...
johnwinter's user avatar
  • 14.3k
7 votes
3 answers

Order of execution for ADF cartridges

I'm having an "interesting" issue with the order in which ADF cartridges are executed (I think). I'm using the "Set Claims as Characteristics" (c2c) cartridge to load device information into a user ...
Nuno Linhares's user avatar
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