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DXA Java Custom Controller Issue (Updating from 1.3 to 1.4)

I have created a Java Custom Controller for training which works in DXA 1.3 and am updating it for DXA 1.4. Here is what is going on: I have an Eclipse Project that has the following: The “...
TridionNut's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Issue with DXA DefaultModelBinder for Keyword field

I am migrating my old project to DXA 1.4. I am using Keyword fields in Schemas. While binding with default Tag Schema I am getting Keyword description instead of Keyword title. Reason for this is ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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Problem getting the page includes mapped towards my own ModuleName

I'm having problem using the page includes for setting up a header component called TelenorHeader under my own areaName (Telenor). In my page template "TelenorPage" under the metadata schema I have ...
Marius Flagstad's user avatar
3 votes
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DXA Component template metadata - Region Name not excluding the module name

It looks like there is some problem regarding the automatically Region Name setup on empty component metadata field. I currently have this setup on my component template: From my understanding the ...
Marius Flagstad's user avatar
1 vote
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Steps for install DXA 1.4 .Net & Java

What are the steps to install DXA 1.4 .Net & Java content delivery website on the same machine whereas both programming language using same CMS i.e. Web 8? Additional information: I have ...
Vivek Kwatra's user avatar