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6 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of Related Keyword?

When I open a Keyword, there is Parent and Child Keywords, and also Related Keywords. What are they, what is the purpose of it, what is their behavior while publishing?
Djordje Nedovic's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Keyword with multiple parents

The official SDL docs and the CME state/show that a keyword can have "parent keywords" (multiple), also, I've read about that from various sources, and it's even explicitly mentioned in a comment here....
Atila Sos's user avatar
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Publishing Keyword

We have by chance found out that you can send by core service keyword to publish. Once in queue, you can even see it from GUI. We know that's not allowed from GUI (only category can be published). SO ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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2 answers

Issue deleting Keyword in Tridion

I'm trying to delete a Keyword in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 and it doesn´t allow me to do it because "an element is using this Keyword", but when I go to see this, elements are all older versions. So ...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

SDL 2013 SP1 - XML Error prevents successful save of new component

The Problem is this, we’ve created a schema at a high level (020) in the blueprint called “link.” We’ve also created a category called “URI Classification” in the same publication, but have not ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Why can't I add keywords to a specific category?

I've created a category with several keywords and subkeywords. When I try to add a sub keyword to a specific keyword, it works for only the first 3...: As you can see the "new" option in the context ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Default value of a Schema field is not set in Component for multi value fields

We have an embedded Schema Link used in many other Schemas as a multi value. One of the fields in this Link Schema is Target Type which is a drop-down select from Category. The Category has 2 Keywords:...
Huston Lopes's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to Restrict the Group Users to create new Keywords in child publications?

Category and keywords are created at parent publication, there itself we need to assign Write permissions to Author-Groups on Category. Now we don't want the same group to create new keywords in child ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
0 votes
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Can we model dependencies between lists of keywords in Tridion? [duplicate]

I have the requirement to fetch the all the keywords inside the keyword using some event over component. Say for example that I have one category called product pages. Inside this I have two ...
Gaurav Agarwal's user avatar