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Why can't components created before a workflow implementation be sent through workflow?

95% of our content was created before workflow was implemented. In the Spring of 2022, workflow was implemented. But, none of the content created before the workflow implementation actually gets ...
user5273's user avatar
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Update approval status for copied component

If editors use the New Page functionality in XPM, which copies page and components, is it possible set the component Approval Status to "Unapproved" or a status that doesn't meet the Minimum Approval ...
Neil's user avatar
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Opening component under workflow displays "Unable to retrieve" error for workflow activity

This appears to be the same issue as Workflow Permissions Block Getting Message - I have a user that can read a bundle and the components within it, but when those components are under workflow (...
Neil's user avatar
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Is it possible to revert roll back to minor versions of a component and are these stored anywhere?

I'm sure this is a stupid question but I was just wondering if it was possible to roll back a component to one of its minor revisions. They aren't stored in the history on the CM and also I checked ...
Matt Hill's user avatar
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Old workflow items set to "Unapproved"

Within an upgraded environment from 2009 to 2013sp1, there are components that have an approval status "Live", the schema, that these components are based on was associated with a workflow process in ...
Siawash Shibani's user avatar