While bulk uploading images in Media Manager using SDL media manager, we are able to create Asset and Program but not able to create Distribution even after setting data.DistributionCreation=DistributionCreationOptions.OneDistributionPerItem.
Please review below code that i am using:
UploadInfoData data = new UploadInfoData();
data.IsIncludedInGalleries = true;
data.MakeAvailableForDownload = true;
data.MakeAvailableForWebPublishing = true;
data.IsRoyaltyFree = true;
data.ProgramCreation = ProgramCreationOptions.OneProgramPerItem;
mediaManagerService = new MediaManager2011Client("FederationEndpointHttps");
string uploadUrl = mediaManagerService.GetUploadUrl(folderId, assetTypeId, tags, keywords, data);
var response=new WebClient().UploadFile(uploadUrl, fullPathToFileToUpload);