I'm updating an internal Schema by deleting a single field. Saving the Schema and the Content Manager throws an error:

Unable to save schema. An unexpected version is found in the URI: tcm:3-115-8-v0.

I checked the specified URI (it's a Schema) defined in the error and its history but found no reference to the single field that I've deleted; there were no changes to the Schema fields. There isn't a version 0 either.

I've also checked the logs for the CM but found nothing which would indicate why this is occurring.

Does anyone have any idea why this error is occurring?


This is a new installation of SDL Web 8.5.0

  • Can you please edit and to include add more information on the SDL version details or this happening after the upgrade or new installation?
    – Velmurugan
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 14:06
  • Are you updating this Schema in the CME, or are you doing it via an API? -v0 in the URI indicates this is the Checked Out version that you are working on. Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 14:10
  • It's checked in now and it's working as expected. Thank you!
    – Tim Alonso
    Commented Jun 20, 2017 at 14:12

1 Answer 1


My guess would be that the item is checked out somewhere. Maybe checked out by someone else. Check it in and try again.

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