We were able to find the schema that caused issues by using the powershell modules provided by Peter Kjaer (https://github.com/pkjaer/tridion-powershell-modules).
With this module, we were able to write and execute the following command (the function was also provided by Peter in one of the samples)
function Get-TridionChildItem([string]$Id, [int[]]$ItemType, [switch]$Recursive, [switch]$ExpandProperties)
$client = Get-TridionCoreServiceClient;
$filter = new-object Tridion.ContentManager.CoreService.Client.OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData;
$filter.ItemTypes = $itemType;
$filter.Recursive = $Recursive;
if ($ExpandProperties)
return $client.GetList($id, $filter) | Get-TridionItem;
return $client.GetList($id, $filter);
Get-TridionChildItem -Id 'tcm:1-1-2' -ItemType 8 -Recursive -ExpandProperties | Where-Object {$_.NamespaceUri -eq "xyz"}
As a result, we received all information of the schemas we were looking for.
The same code could be used to quickly search for something based on one of the item's properties