I'm unsure why seeing error "File/folder does not exists!" when attempting to load metadata.xml with run-etl-job command, as the folder exists and the dedicated fredhopper account has read/write access to it. Any thoughts?

Environment details

  • Fredhopper 7.5, revision 19
  • Java 1.8.0_141 x64
  • Fredhopper instance name is ExperienceOptimization

Further details

  • bin\deployment-agent running from command line
  • Command syntax to load metadata.xml as below

    bin\run-etl-job STJob.kjb "-DINSTANCE=ExperienceOptimization" "-DTRIGGER=load-data" "-DUNIVERSE=catalog01" "-DEXECUTIONPATH=C:\fredhopper75\data\instances\ExperienceOptimization\custom"

  • etl instance kitchen.log details

INFO 23-07 19:26:28,924 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Basic logging

INFO 23-07 19:26:28,939 - Kitchen - Start of run.

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,189 - STJob - Start of job execution

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,210 - STJob - Starting entry [Move Files]

ERROR 23-07 19:26:29,220 - Move Files - File/folder [C:\fredhopper75\data\instances\ExperienceOptimization\custom../../../../ExperienceOptimization/data/fas-xml-incremental/catalog01/] does not exists!

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,224 - STJob - Finished job entry [Move Files] (result=[false])

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,225 - STJob - Job execution finished

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,226 - Kitchen - Finished!

ERROR 23-07 19:26:29,227 - Kitchen - Finished with errors

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,227 - Kitchen - Start=2017/07/23 19:26:28.939, Stop=2017/07/23 19:26:29.227

INFO 23-07 19:26:29,227 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 0 seconds.

  • Folder "C:\fredhopper\ExperienceOptimization\data\fas-xml-incremental\catalog01" exists and have given the Everyone group read/write access filesystem screenshot
  • Same error recurs after removing previous install and reinstalling Fredhopper.
  • Fredhopper cluster created via topology.txt, custom directory created, trigger-types.xml and business.xml added to the config directory of ExperienceOptimization.
  • jars from documentation added to the custom folder of ExperienceOptimization.
  • Query server restarted and confirmed to be running via `"http://localhost:8177/instance/ExperienceOptimization/process/qserver/verb/status"
  • When browsing to "http://localhost:8180/fredhopper/admin/", see status message "business manager will be available when the indices are loaded" (this is expected, as no data has been loaded yet)

3 Answers 3


Since this is Java, you should either use double backslashes or use forward slashes. So this command should work for you:

bin\run-etl-job STJob.kjb "-DINSTANCE=ExperienceOptimization" "-DTRIGGER=load-data" "-DUNIVERSE=catalog01" "-DEXECUTIONPATH=C:/fredhopper75/data/instances/ExperienceOptimization/custom"
  • Many thanks Peter. Moving answer flag to this answer as I am able to run the default STJob.kjb file using forward slashes in the -DEXECUTIONPATH param. Also note a trailing forward slash is required as below "-DEXECUTIONPATH=C:/fredhopper75/data/instances/ExperienceOptimization/custom/"
    – Terry Kim
    Commented Aug 15, 2017 at 20:19

I'm also completely stuck at this point as well. I've just managed to resolve this and I believe there is a problem within the STJob.kjb

Find the section within the STJob.kjb e.g.


Change this to the following


In my case, my instance name is liveindexer - just change yours to ExperienceOptimization and change your drive letter to C:\

My log now says the following

INFO  24-07 10:42:06,201 - Kitchen - Logging is at level : Basic logging
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,205 - Kitchen - Start of run.
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,250 - STJob - Start of job execution
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,258 - STJob - Starting entry [Move Files]
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,265 - STJob - Starting entry [Success]
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,266 - STJob - Finished job entry [Success] (result=[true])
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,266 - STJob - Finished job entry [Move Files] (result=[true])
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,266 - STJob - Job execution finished
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,267 - Kitchen - Finished!
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,267 - Kitchen - Start=2017/07/24 10:42:06.205, Stop=2017/07/24 10:42:06.267
INFO  24-07 10:42:06,267 - Kitchen - Processing ended after 0 seconds.
  • Noting that hardcoding the path to catalog01 also resolved issue for me, many thanks.
    – Terry Kim
    Commented Jul 24, 2017 at 11:02
  • Glad to hear that Terry. Everything is working for me now. Seeing content in my Business Manager now.
    – Tom Simm
    Commented Jul 24, 2017 at 11:13

It's known issue there is a problem with the smarttarget_api_extension.jar that comes with SDL Web 8, so you can work around it by using the one from 2014 SP1.

Copy the smarttarget_api_extension.jar from Installation media folder of Tridion 2014 SP1 to your fredhopper \custom directory or Contact SDL Support to get the right smarttarget_api_extension.jar.

I hope that it helps you to resolve your issue.

  • I'm also experiencing this same issue Velmurugan. Using the .jars from Tridion 2014 SP1 also did not fix this issue (for me)
    – Tom Simm
    Commented Jul 24, 2017 at 10:23
  • Also saw that removing jars did not resolve issue, thanks.
    – Terry Kim
    Commented Jul 24, 2017 at 11:03

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