I have one Dynamic CT of type REL, which uses a dream weaver TBB. The TBB uses RenderComponentPresentation() to render the linked components of the parent component.
@@RenderComponentPresentation(Field, articlepress)@@
When I publish the main component and try to render it in the page , the parent component renders properly , but the linked components are not resolved and the view-source of the page contains the below tags.
<tridion:ComponentPresentation runat="server" PageURI="tcm:97-45594-16" ComponentURI="tcm:97-45591" TemplateURI="tcm:97-45519-32"/>
<tridion:ComponentPresentation runat="server" PageURI="tcm:97-45594-16" ComponentURI="tcm:97-45593" TemplateURI="tcm:97-45519-32"/>
It works fine when I change the Type of the Component Template to ascx or html fragment.
Am I missing any configuration change?
I am migrating the building blocks to Tridion 2011(where it works perfectly fine) to SDL Web 8.5.
So any solution with out changing the CT type will be helpful.
Update 1
In the preview the Linked components are rendering properly in side the TCDL tag. Below is the SDL Preview section
<tcdl:ComponentPresentation type="Embedded" componentURI="tcm:97-45594" templateURI="tcm:97-45521-32" xmlns:tcdl="http://www.tridion.com/ContentDelivery/5.3/TCDL">
The linked contents are properly rendered here