In the upgraded SDL Web 8.5 system.
One of the DCP template output has component link tag. which is not getting resolved in the web app.
<a tridion:href="@@Component.ID@@">
We added this below config tags in the deployer service tcdl-config.xml also changed the DCP template output type to REL and republished the DCP components then tested it’s working fine it’s resolving the links for DCP component.
<Property Name=”” Value=”tags” />
<Property Name="" Value="jsp" />
<Property Name="" Value="rel"/>
but, We noticed that now republished JSP pages on file system RTF field component links are not working.
We can see published JSP pages link tags are getting written as <tcdl:Link
instead of <tridion:ComponentLink
And then we removed the REL tag (<Property Name="" Value="rel"/>
) in deployer service tcdl-config – restarted, and republished the JSP page and tested JSP RTF field component links are working fine and noticed that published JSP page on filesystem has <tridion:ComponentLink
The question is: Can tcdl tags be expanded to rel ánd jsp in one environment, depending on the targeted object. So
- file based jsp - expand tcdl to jsp tags
- Broker based rel dcps - expand tcdl to rel tags
Pages – stored in the filesystem
DCP – stored in DB
Web app Java jsp uses CIL.
Did anyone face this issue?