I am implementing experience manager on my DD4T website. I am using Albert solution to implement experience manager. Url whose steps I followed is http://albertromkes.com/category/dd4t/. Some how this solution not working. I can see page source rendering some tags required for siteedit but not javascript tag for siteedit .

I have used only few fields of component to implement(2 out of 5 fields) site edit. Please suggest if this may be a cause of issue. Also while browsing the page I can't see any log prepared in session preview service whose log is configured as verbose.

Thanks. Mukesh

1 Answer 1


To write out the bootstrapper.js (The JavaScript that 'renders' the 'SDL Tridion' button for XPM), use the following code (at the bottom of your page/shared View):

@Html.SiteEditPage(Model). Model being an IPage object from DD4T.

And you don't have to make every field from your component editable :)

The fact that Session Preview doesn't seem to work is unrelated to this. Did you follow the steps as described in the documentation? (Login required). If it's still not working, please post another question with the specifics.

  • Thanks Albert, I have followed all the steps except using Enable inline editing for Page, Enable inline editing for content in the CT. Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 6:05
  • So editing now works, but Session Preview doesn't? Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 7:22
  • Yes, it is showing me link to redirect to edit in CMS. But url is redirecting to blank white screen i.e. url is not correct. Can you please suggest what may be the root cause. Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 8:18
  • It was my mistake, it is working now. Now the problem is I can edit metadata of the page, but I can't update the content of component. Please suggest.. Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 8:40
  • @Mukesh: Suggesting you to please raise a separate question for the new issue with all your findings Commented Jul 29, 2014 at 8:43

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