I am creating a GUI extension for Experience Manager in Tridion 2011 and would like to hide the "Preview Page" tab page. I have tried adding the following piece of code to the my extension config file with no result.

        <ext:extension id="PreviewPage">
                <ext:view name="EditorView">
                    <ext:control id="MainToolbar" />

I know that I can hide the "Preview Page" tab using the following code in a script:

var toolbar = $controls.getControl($("#MainToolbar"), "Tridion.Controls.RibbonToolbar");
var page = toolbar.getPageById("ReviewPage");

but I would prefer to use the config file if only I knew how.

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


If you mean hidding the tab "Preview" in the ribbontoolbar of the experience manager you have to add that code in the "ext:ribbontoolbars" section of the configuration file, like this:

                <ext:extension id="PreviewPage">
                        <ext:view name="EditorView">
                            <ext:control id="MainToolbar" />

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