I am trying to retrieve the contact details using the Tridion.OutboundEmail.ContentManagement API after referring below link Retreive Contact Details
My code is on Page_Load of a user control but when I run the Page it gives me an error "The RSA key container could not be opened"
I have also referred below link RSA Key Container issue but it does not resolve the error
- Code is on Page load event of user control
- I have registered the user (with the user name currently I am logged in to server and has administrator access on server) from command prompt using "aspnet_regiis -pa "TridionRsaKeyContainer" "User_Name"" command. Meesage I received is : Adding ACL for access to the RSA Key container. Succeeded!
- I have restarted the IIS and all tridon services after registering the user.
- I am running the page on server.
I am not sure of the user account of the user who originally ran the installer. Please suggest