I have implemented a Translation Manager Plugin (Refereed Eric's Blog) to revoke my workflow activity once the translation is completed. It is working absolutely fine when I am sending a item to world server for translation through workflow.
But getting error message when directly sending any item from CMS without workflow (Please refer below screen shot).
Below is the Translation Manager log details -
2016-03-11T17:27:39 Tridion.TranslationManager.Service RetrieveFromTranslation Retreiving translation management system item with id "tcm:5-11407" for language "1023". 2016-03-11T17:27:45 Tridion.TranslationManager.Service RetrieveFromTranslation An error occured while processing an item: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Translation Job title: Copy of jfj Translation Job id: 122 Translation management system job id: 1130
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Translation.PlugIns.ResumeActivityUponTranslation.OnStateChanged(Object sender, TranslationJobStateChangeEventArgs e) at Tridion.TranslationManager.DomainModel.TranslationJob.ChangeState(TranslationJobState newValue, Boolean validateStateChange) at Tridion.TranslationManager.DomainModel.Service.RetrieveFromTranslationTask.FinalizeTranslationJob(TranslationJob translationJob)
Event Viewer log -
The description for Event ID 0 from source Translation Manager cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
An error occured while processing an item: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Translation Job title: Copy of jfj Translation Job id: 122 Translation management system job id: 1130 Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table
Though it is showing the error message but I can see that the item is localized and changed properly.
Please suggest. ( FYI: It works properly if I remove the plugin)