In an SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 HR1 implementation, what are the minimum/recommended rights that the #DB_USER# must have. In the documentation (login required) I can see
the name of a user who can access the database.
Does this mean dbreader/dbwriter other/more?
Perhaps I've missed something in the documentation in which case I'd appreciate a pointer as I'd also like to ensure clarity on the minimum levels for other Tridion specific database users.
Thanks in advance.
<Storage Type="persistence" Id="#client_db_#DBID#" dialect="MSSQL" Class="">
<Pool Type="jdbc" Size="5" MonitorInterval="60" IdleTimeout="120" CheckoutTimeout="120" />
<DataSource Class="">
<Property Name="serverName" Value="#DB_SERVER_NAME#" />
<Property Name="portNumber" Value="#DB_PORT#" />
<Property Name="databaseName" Value="#DB_NAME#" />
<Property Name="user" Value="#DB_USER#" />
<Property Name="password" Value="#DB_PASSWORD#" />