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Update New Databases on Upgrading Tridion Sites 9.6

we are Upgrading CM & CD to Tridion Sites 9.6 from 9.1. As per Upgradation Process, CM/Topology/translation - We are Providing New Database Names on the time of Exe installation process and ...
Ajay's user avatar
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Tridion content service generate a massive amount of small database queries

This is a follow up question from Tridion content services has alot of open sessions with database. Original question was about dropped spans and unclosed Hibernate sessions. But the data comes out of ...
Ivan Shubin's user avatar
3 votes
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DB Reports for Deletions

wondering if there is a way to get the below reports from DB (8.5) Edits made by a user in CMS for a period of time (Advanced search can help here, but wondering if i can get more details from DB) ...
Harish A's user avatar
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How to use existing Topology when re-importing (and upgrading) the CM database from 2013 to Web 8.5

We have done an upgrade of development CM database (oracle) from Tridion 2013 SP1 (in a copy of the CM database) to SDL Web 8.5. Web 8.5 CME is installed and pointed to the upgraded CM database, ...
Dinesh divakaran's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure "EDA_PUBLICATIONS_GETITEMSOFTYPE_83"

I have been trying to publish a Dynamic Component Presentation but for some reason it keeps on failing with the following error: When I preview the same component in the CMS getting below error: ...
k951's user avatar
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The SQL Server edition of the target server is unsupported, e.g. SQL Azure

Having performed a fresh installation of Sites 9, I keep getting the following error: The SQL Server edition of the target server is unsupported, e.g. SQL Azure. This is shown when I confirm the ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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Getting error while running PowerShell scripts for Tridion DB creation

I am getting below error on running PowerShell scripts for Tridion Content Manager Database creation: I can see there is error on Line Number 147 in Content Manager Data Base PowerShell script, on ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
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How to publish metadata-binary to Broker database?

We have a Page Metadata Schema where editors can embed a Multimedia Component. When we publish the Page to the Broker database, it seems that the binary is not published to the database (TCM id is ...
Herman Desmet's user avatar
4 votes
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Is Tridion 2013 SP1 compatible with later versions of SQL Server in compatibility mode?

We found this documentation, which suggests that the latest version SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 is compatible with is SQL Server 2012 SP1:
Harald Greve's user avatar
4 votes
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Timeout Expired for DecommissionPublicationTarget Tridion 8.5

The Problem with Decommissioning Publication Targets has returned in Tridion 8.5, see original Tridion 2013 Question at Timeout Expired for DecommissionPublicationTarget Any suggestions on how to ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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Does Web8.5 Database Script require Database Admin Account to run?

Our DBAs are not allowed to have full DB Admin accounts in production (Company policy). Does the Web 8.5 scripts absolutely need full DB Admin to run? Is there a list somewhere of the specific ...
Kunle Daramola's user avatar
7 votes
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Tridion CM Usage reporting

My client would like to pull together some metrics regarding our Tridion CM usage. We're interested in the following information. Create – New (Images, Pages, Components) Edit/Update (Images, ...
James C's user avatar
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10 votes
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Supported modification on Tridion Broker database

We have suggestions from our DB team to add some indexes on broker database. I know that in general database modifications should be off limits (not supported), but it looks to me that adding indexes ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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Does Web 8.5 provide detailed information about CM users activities/session?

I want to generate a report on individual User’s activities like: Logged-in Information How long they remain connected to system Activities they performed or browsing details I can pull out the ...
Yash's user avatar
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Warning about multiple operations with CM database upgrade to SDL Web 8.5

We are currently doing an upgrade of a Tridion CMS to SDL Web 8.5. We took a back up of the old CMS DB, restored it in our new SQL server, and we're now running the upgrade script. However, this ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
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Loading a list of Keywords is very slow in SDL Web 8 CME

We are using SDL Web 8.1 and we are facing a issue while accessing Keywords inside a Category which takes more then 2 min but before upgrading to Web 8 from 2013 SP1 HR1 it was quite fast. The ...
Abdul Qadir's user avatar
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How to find out who modified publication properties like Publication URL etc.?

Is there a way to find out who has modified Publication properties fields and when? We have found that publication url was modified and pages published to wrong URL, and fixed it when we noticed. But ...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
3 votes
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Issue connection with Tridion_cm

I have just installed SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 and I have found a problem when I have started the application. I get the following errors: Probably, this error comes from a problem with the connection ...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
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Where to check the underlying database details in Tridion 2013 SP1 CMS server

For existing Tridion (2013 SP1) CMS installation is there any configuration file under the installation directory that stores the underlying database details for CMS like we have cd_storage_conf.xml ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
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Web 8 New Topology Manager publishing to wrong Database

I've created a new Topology manager, new Discovery, Content and Deploy service as in the docs for a new site (in web 8). I had an other site already set up on the same servers. Everything seemed fine ...
Carwack's user avatar
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CM database stricture change list after upgrade to Web 8

I was wondering if there is a list of all changes done on CM database after upgrade to web 8. The changes I am interested are added/removed tables and fields, store procedure updates and etc. I know ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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How to configure connection string for CMS database for failover DB in MSSQL server 2014

Can you please help me to configure a CMS for failover db( MS SQL 2014 ), where do I need to setup CMS db for failover DB. I tried to change under Database settings but it works only with manual ...
Naveen Anand's user avatar
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I want to create new database for the Discovery Service

I want to create a new database for the Discovery Service, can anyone tell me if there is a script provided for this in the SDL Web 8 installation media?
afreen's user avatar
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Checking publish status of items in Tridion Content Manager database

Is there an easy way to check the publish status of all items from ITEMS table in the Content Manager database? I am thinking of creating SQL query to list them all, but am not able to find Publish ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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How to setup auto failover for broker database clusters

Our production environment has two redundant data centers. Within each data center we have multiple web servers talking to a single SQL cluster which has multiple broker DB servers. The clustering ...
Brandon Mahoney's user avatar
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Upgrading to cloud database - MSDTC

Just reading the docs on upgrading to SDL Web 8.5, specifically Content Manager database support history. For cloud options like AWS & Azure, the docs mention only if your implementation does not ...
Neil's user avatar
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Broker database lock during mass publishing

We have issue where our database transactions get locked during mass publishing on live. We are running broker db in mssql. We have following configuration in cd_deployer_conf.xml file: <Queue> ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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SDL Web8 database restore from Production to QA

We have recently upgraded to Web8.1 from 2011, we have been following the process of taking the database backup of CM and restore to lower environments periodically to have the latest data to perform ...
Sarang Deshmukh's user avatar
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Can I use same domain user "DOMAIN\USER1" for both MTS User and Default SDL Web Administrator during CMS Database installation

Can I use same domain user "DOMAIN\USER1" for both MTSUser and Default SDL Web Administrator during CMS Database installation. Reason being I only have one domain user which has admin rights and i am ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
7 votes
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Moving to new DB server on Web 8 with TopologyManager and CMS

On a Web 8 instance, the TopologyManager and CMS Databases are installed on the same DB server. The DB server will change and we will move the Databases to the new server. For the CMS, we can ...
robrtc's user avatar
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Clean the ghost published records

We found more than 15,000 records in table dbo.ITEMS, at broker DB, which belongs to around 10 publications. But the records related component already be deleted from CMS long time ago. So there is no ...
qchen01's user avatar
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Web 8 Audience Manager Installation

While I am trying to Upgrade Audience Manager Database using the "Upgrade Extended Details in Audience Manager database.ps1" I am getting the following error."cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
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Tridion publishing report query

I'm working on building a report to help us audit all publishing changes over the last day. From the Tridion_CM database I've got the following: SELECT ID,ITEM_TYPE,ITEM_REFERENCE_ID,PUBLICATION_ID,...
Chris Selvig's user avatar
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Dynamic component publish issue in tridion 2013

We are facing an issue while publishing dynamic component from Tridion CME. Error Description : Caused by: org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC ...
rajesh's user avatar
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A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure "EDA_ITEMS.CHECKOUT"

When I am trying to check out some of the Pages in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1, I am getting below error message details. Can anyone help in resolving this issue? Just for information, We are facing this ...
Sayantan Basu's user avatar
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Can I use the same Archive Manager database to archive historical versions of the same publication published to two different publication targets?

I am in the process of creating the Archive Manager DB to setup Archive Manager for a website. This website can be published to two publication targets and I was wondering if archive manager makes any ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
2 votes
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Required Database Permissions for Tridion 2013

I am providing a SQL Server for Tridion 2013. I don't have the installation media yet, but I understand this will create the database logins and users. Could anyone tell me the minimum permissions ...
Mike Fleming's user avatar
5 votes
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Content Delivery DCP DB Decoding Issue

I'm working on a client project & am having some issues pulling DCPs from the broker database. I noticed an error in the deserialization process regarding malformed input (DD4T), but upon ...
Josh Hebb's user avatar
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Multiple publishes failing with while executing Stored Procedure "EDA_ITEMS_GETPUBLISHITEMS"

We have a - typically intermittent but becoming more common - issue with Tridion publishing. The error appears to be around resolving items and that a stored procedure, EDA_ITEMS_GETPUBLISHITEMS is ...
Dave Forber's user avatar
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Getting error when updating the membership scope for each group

Created user in the Tridion 2013 sp1 and adding groups for the user and updating the membership scope for the user. While saving the user getting error :- A database error occurred while updating ...
k951's user avatar
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unexpected WAI Presentation_id

The following is configuration is done for WAI on the content delivery <Presentations> <Presentation Id="1"> <Host Domain="" Port="80" Protocol="http" ...
Siawash Shibani's user avatar
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Connector to Tridion Data bases

As I know there are three DB's are used in tridion. Tridion LOG DB, Tridion CM DB, Tridion Broker. I am looking if is there way to exctract data e.g. using some connector apart from using API. And ...
Chakresh Singh's user avatar
7 votes
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Facing issue with our Tridion eventing module on component save and close with multiple user

I am facing some issue with our Tridion eventing module. Please let me explain the issue. Background: We have approx. 70-80 users who create content via CMS where it’s expected that more than 70% of ...
user36299's user avatar
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5 votes
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Unable to retrieve item with id

We have this problem when we open some pages in Tridion and to publish them. Does anyone know what might be the cause? Thanks a lot.
kaiser1871's user avatar
2 votes
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Correct steps when changing CM database

So for reasons I won't go into, we recently had to re-configure our clients Tridion 2013 SP1 CM to use a new SQL Server. After the usual planning and content freeze, it basically went like this: ...
Neil's user avatar
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Database issue after taking TCM backup

we have taken offline DB backup for the TCM and after hitting the tcm getting the DB issue the error is :- A database error occurred while executing Stored Procedure "EDA_TRUSTEES_GETTRUSTEETOKEN". ...
k951's user avatar
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12 votes
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Oracle Content Delivery CreateTridionSYSUser.sql errors

I have an Oracle DB running on RHEL 7. As I understand it, the first step of setting up a CD delivery database is to create the TRIDION_SYS user. When I log in to the db via sqlplus with "...
Mark Williams's user avatar
8 votes
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Run how often sp_updatestats (SQL)

I wonder if there is some 'best practice' how many times a day the sp_updatestats (SQL db Content Manager) should run. Of course it 'depends' on certain things... but like what? Imports by the ...
Harmen's user avatar
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Where is the 'Hostname' of my Tridion CM taken from for filtered publishing?

I have set up Publisher filtering based on the Hostname of the Content Manager that the items were published from. I have this working using the following settings: However, I am wondering where ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
2 votes
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Maintaining Oracle DB SDL Tridion 2011 SP1

We are planning to run DB maintenance scripts on our Oracle Database. From documentation I came to know that we need to run the following scripts. AnalyzeStats.sql ShowTableStats.sql ShowColumnStats....
Patan's user avatar
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