We have existing tridion blueprint setup for website A , it's using DXA 1.5.
- 000 Empty Master
- 010 Schema Master
- 020 Global Design
- 020 Global Repository
- 030 Arabic Content
- 030 Chinese Content
- 040 Global Web Master
- 050 Arabic Web
- 050 Chinese Web
- 050 Global English Web
with this blueprint we have the following website running
- http://www.sitea.com -> 040 Global Web Master siteType simialr to DxaExampleSite
- http://www.sitea.com/en -> 050 Global English Web
- http://www.sitea.com/ar -> 050 Arabic Web
- http://www.sitea.com/cn -> 050 Chinese Web
I would like to setup new subsites or micro sites with different domains but I would like to use the same look and feel of the siteA but not the structure.
Example :
- http://www.siteb.com/nl
- http://www.sitec.com/es
- http://www.sited.com/show
- http://www.sitef.com/venturecapital
Let us know how this can be achieved also have the following query
- Is the Topology Mapping for the Master Site (type: Site Type) mandatory. ?
- Even if we have a Mapping, we could not have a common host name as the same Master Publication will be used across many different Child publications with a different hostname. How to override this behaviour.?