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2 answers

Creating fake publication to use "Also Publish/Unpublish in Child Publications"

We are using SDL Tridion Sites 9.1 and currently we have custom tool(Internal) for Publishing /Unpublishing items in multiple publications at once. Recently one of the publisher asked us to look into ...
MaheshMajeti's user avatar
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XPM - Inline Editing BluePrint Context settings behavior

I'm trying to understand the reasoning behind how XPM treats the Inline Editing BluePrint Context settings, because it’s not functional in its current form. If this behavior is by design, then XPM is ...
Atila Sos's user avatar
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Blueprint for DXA websites that can share schema and content and have there own

After importing the DXA 2.2 example website we created 2 websites in development. We want to setup it for two applications that can share content and has its own content. 000 Empty, 100 Master, 110 A ...
Frits Lesterhuis's user avatar
2 votes
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What is a good BluePrint Structure for two applications with DXA?

We are using SDL Sites 9.0 with DXA 2.2. I am a beginner on DXA and want to start development for two .NET applications using also webcomponents. Each application has it own content, but can share ...
Frits's user avatar
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XPM and translate using multiple content masters

I'm know that in order for XPM to show the Translate option the context repository of the page/component you're editing needs to have some translation configuration defined. But in a multiple content ...
Neil's user avatar
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Is there any standard solution for Blueprint structure to be fetched, for all publications in a CMS?

For our Web 8.5 implementation, we have a requirement to fetch the complete Blueprint structure using C# TBB's. We do have an implementation that uses Metadata Schemas to fetch the Publication details ...
NewUser's user avatar
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Publication levels

In the content manager, we can see publications blueprinting hierarchy. When we right-click on publication, select blueprinting -> blueprinting hierarchy, we can see publications by levels in the ...
user2757's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a supported way to split up the DXA Master publication in a schema and template publication?

We are currently investigating in importing the DXA publications into an existing blueprint. Since this existing blueprint already has separate publications for Schemas and for Templates, and the DXA ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the optimal way of Blueprint design to leverage Maximum benefits of World Server & Tridion Inheritance

We are setting up the Blueprint on Web 8.5 & have got 2 approaches, however, I would like to understand what could be the best approach which can satisfy the below conditions: Optimal use of ...
tech17's user avatar
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Additional code only for certain lang on multi language site

We have a client with a multi language site, where the client requests for certain set of functionalities only for certain languages. They want to try out some language sites before rolling out ...
Rams's user avatar
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3 answers

Item localized by the system or the user

I have a scenario, where I need to un-localize an item if it has been localized by the system. Is there a way to find out whether the item has been localized by the user or the system?
Prashanthi Pothuru's user avatar
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Is RSS feed a feasible & good option to inform users about the changes made on Parent level in Blueprint?

I am sure everyone here might be handling this requirement in different ways & hence thought to get an optimised solution. Today many of our country users are left outdated with the changes made ...
Yash's user avatar
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How do we resolve ExternalContentLibraryStubSchema-mm schema problem in DXA MediaManager Module?

ExternalContentLibraryStubSchema-mm blueprint problem two different schema - DXA MediaManager Module installs it in 100 Master "Modules/MediaManager" - MediaManager installed it in 200 Example ...
Chris Mills's user avatar
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Blueprinting for sub sites using DXA 1.5

We have existing tridion blueprint setup for website A , it's using DXA 1.5. 000 Empty Master 010 Schema Master 020 Global Design 020 Global Repository 030 Arabic Content 030 Chinese Content 040 ...
Anand N S's user avatar
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Why can't I change the key of a localized keyword?

In Tridion keyword keys can be changed at the global level without any issue. However a localized keyword key cannot be changed and gives the error: "Unable to save item Invalid value for property '...
G. Robb's user avatar
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Does a Publication without a Structure Group have a special name?

You need a Structure Group in order to create a child Publication. I understand this is partly because Tridion could act as a "non-Web" content management system, without BluePrinting. Does such a ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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How to get Immediate direct localized child component when the author modifying localized component

Blueprint Structure for below publications C020 Test Global C030 Test Content Public (C020 Test Global) C040 Local Content Public (C020 Test Global, C030 Test Content Public) C050 Test Mobile ...
Sudhakar Rao's user avatar
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Behaviour of untranslated fields during translation

it interests me how the fields not marked as translatable behave during translation. For example: I have component in English and its translated to Spanish. I update untranslatable field in ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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Upgraded 2013 SP1 to SDL Web 8.1.1 - existing security model broken

Background Currently, we have a very stable environment in Production - version SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 HR1 with a fully-functioning nested (most complex permutation is 3 groups deep) security model. ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Cannot add parent publication to newly created blank publication

I am not able to add a parent publication. I have created the blank publication and the root structure group. after that, I want to inherit from my parent publication, but no option appears when I ...
videsh's user avatar
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"Sealed" Keyword Equivalent/Similar functionality in Tridion | Stop Inheritance from Parent Publication to Child Publication

Working as a regular C# developer, I was experimenting around the "Sealed" functionality of C#. So, while using Sealed, Child class CANNOT override Parent class Method. So, in Tridion, Is it ...
D Simm's user avatar
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After creation of child BluePrint publication, cannot view group security rights

I have created new blueprint publications and I am not able to set group security rights within the publication properties. I have tried browsers: IE 11, FireFox and Chrome with both latest hotfix ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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BluePrint unable to 'Create New Child' publication in Chrome

I am unable to create a new child publication in our existing BluePrint. I have experienced this previously (approx 1 week ago), and went on the server through localhost and was able to create that ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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Find out current component when ECL GetItem() is called on component localisation

I have noticed that when a component is localised, the GetItem(IEclUri) method is called on the ECL ProviderContext. In that method, I make a call to an external API using metadata of the current ...
Para Jaco's user avatar
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How to get the list of TCM ID of a page from all the publications at content delivery?

I need the list of all the references present across all the publications for a page. I am getting this information using PageURLCriteria: PageURLCriteria criteria= new PageURLCriteria("%" + URL, ...
Yash's user avatar
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Blueprint change

I have a blue print of publications as below. A_Preview | B_Live B_Live contains some localized components and also components created locally. We would like to introduce publication A1_Prelive in ...
Habeeb's user avatar
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Retrofitting DXA publications to an existing BluePrint

We have an existing BluePrint in our SDL Tridion implementation (just place holders for business). While we import (install using PS) the DXA Publications, the installation defaults to the ...
Shiva's user avatar
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DXA error while importing ALL publications

I am using Content Manager - Build 7.1. with Experience Manager and the update version is SP1 on my VM installation for DXA 1.1 I am receiving the following error upon installation. ...
Shiva's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

How do you not inherit from parent publications?

Blueprinting is very useful and powerful, but it is too powerful sometimes. It is actually hard to not inherit (or blueprint) something. For example, we are selling different products for different ...
charles's user avatar
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Media Manager Captions and BluePrinting

I understand that in Media Manager we can caption a video asset in multiple languages and then set its Language in a Distribution. With the Media Manager Connector, how do we get the appropriate ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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What is good way to create regional content on BluePrint structure?

I'm designing BluePrint structure, then I'd like to ask how to manage "regional content". ("Reginal content" means content which is commonly used in specific region like Europe, or Asia, etc.) I think ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I manage multiple content contexts in Experience Manager?

This is a question I've always been asked but never really implemented a solution for it. The scenario is that I have multiple content publications (each division in the company creates content in ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
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Is there any situation where, in a blueprint structure, a publication has as a "direct" parent, the parent of its parent?

I found a very special blueprint hierarchy where a publication has two parents, being one of them parent of the other. Here is a graphic representation of what I am talking about: I had never seen ...
Jaime Santos Alcón's user avatar
8 votes
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Publishing items in child publications

In order to publish item in child publication, publication target needs to be available in parent publication. The challenge is, I don't want to publish the item from parent publication. How can ...
user3760419's user avatar
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Is there a way to unlocalize a Structure Group?

We have a compound Component Template (CT) that has a Template Building Block (TBB) which contains a component link. When this CT was created, the Default Finish Actions had a structure group (SG) ...
J Stuart's user avatar
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Unable to create Blueprint in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1 [duplicate]

I am not able to create blueprint in SDL Tridion 2013 SP1. I have installed the software added Publications. And when I tried to create relationships among them the Create Create new Child and Add ...
Manas.p's user avatar
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Translation Job Behavior - UN-localization?

As a follow-up to my question on Translation Manager check out and localize behavior I wanted to confirm additional details for Translation Jobs (and correct any assumptions I might have suggested). ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Restrictions on Translation Manager Sources and Targets?

Can a Source Publication have multiple Target Publications? Can a Target Publication have multiple Source Publications? I think I've seen the first scenario, where Global Content needs to be ...
Alvin Reyes's user avatar
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Bundles and experience manager

I am currently working on creating workflow and have come up against a small road block and wanted to check if what I am trying to achieve is technically possible or if I am barking up the wrong tree. ...
Matt Hill's user avatar
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Collapse multiple publications into one publication

When tasked with creating a Blueprint for my company a couple of years ago, there where requirements to separate rights from users that should not be able to perform certain actions. So at the time, I ...
Trevor Bartlett's user avatar
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Have a new folder in an existing publication or create a new content publication for a new website?

I have the customer who is creating a new website for a new brand. They told me "we will NOT use any XXX content or schema.", where xxx isthe current website (no the new one) "In fact, the marketing ...
Carolina's user avatar
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Can we use Translation Manager when we have multiple languages in a single publication?

We are setting up a small site with multiple languages, for example,,, etc. It is very convenient to setup one publication for this, since there aren't that many ...
charles's user avatar
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Tridion 2013 SP1 Cannot send inherited content to TMS using SDL Translation Manager 2013

Since upgrading from Tridion 2011 to 2013 SP1, we can no longer send inherited content (components or categories/keywords) to TMS. We have the following Blueprint structure set up; 00 Root (standard)...
Steve Redgewell's user avatar
9 votes
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Unique name constraints with ECL

An issue has just starting occurring on one of our production CMS servers. We have an ECL MountPoint configured in our 'Schemas' Publication which get shared down to all publications. This has been ...
Chris Summers's user avatar
6 votes
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Why I can't have a Publication in Blueprint Hierarchy with more than one Root Publication

Let's say I have a publication - Pub A with no parent set in Blueprint Hierarchy and similarly a Pub B with no parent set as well. It seems I can not have a Publication - Pub C with parent set to both ...
Pankaj Gaur's user avatar
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Where to Create schemas in multi brand blueprint

I want to know best practice for where to create schemas in multibrand blueprint. In our project, we have two brands for which we need to create schema. In current blue print design, there is only ...
Pankaj Sharma's user avatar
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Initiating Translation

We are working on our blue print design and want to take translation strategy into picture. SO my question is : I have Global Content layer, Translation layer, master website layer, regional website ...
user918's user avatar
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Translation using GlobalLink

We need to integrate GlobalLink for translation of Tridion items. As per my current understanding Tridion Translation works by configuring source and Targets (can be created for different layers as ...
user918's user avatar
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Organise content by publication or by folder

Looking to tap into the wider experience of the group here - I'm facing a choice between organising regional content (e.g. content that's only for Europe or North America) either by folder or by ...
Neil's user avatar
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Moving components to child publication

Similar this question but in reverse - we've identified some Blueprint optimisations that mean we need to move components from a parent down to a child. The folder structure should remain the same. ...
Neil's user avatar
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