I would like to know, how can we access the components linked to a particular Keyword in SDL Web 8, from our DXA Java web application.

Currently I do not see any field in my WebApp that maps to the component list for any keyword.

I see this link has it detailed for an Array of keywords. Is there anyway to do it for individual keywords.

As getTaxonomyContent takes the following parameters:

  • an array of Keywords

  • a Boolean to include branches (true) of the passed Keywords to
    retrieve content for, otherwise false for only content relating
    directly to the Keyword

  • (optional) an additional Criteria (


Any help/suggestion would be really appreciated. TIA.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • It seems like you have already answered your own question? You have found the API to get classified Components for a given (set of) Keyword(s). Ok, it takes an array of Keywords, but you can create an array containing one item, right? Commented May 24, 2018 at 7:17
  • Yes, I can, however, the below line keeps requiring the 'criteria' even though its optional: String[] foundComponentURIS = relationManager.GetTaxonomyContent(selectedKeywords, false, criteria);
    – guest_2017
    Commented May 24, 2018 at 7:24
  • Is it worth adding your code and the exact error to the example? Maybe there's an issue with the variable criteria itself? Commented May 24, 2018 at 9:16

1 Answer 1


In that documentation link, componentItemType variable should be corrected to criteria

GetTaxonomyContent has following API methods:

    public string[] GetTaxonomyContent(Keyword taxonomyKeyword, bool includeBranches);
    public string[] GetTaxonomyContent(Keyword[] taxonomyKeywords, bool includeBranches);
    public string[] GetTaxonomyContent(Keyword taxonomyKeyword, bool includeBranches, Criteria additionalCriteria);
    public string[] GetTaxonomyContent(Keyword[] taxonomyKeywords, bool includeBranches, Criteria additionalCriteria);

Example with criteria:

int iComponentItemType = 16;
String selectedKeywordURI = "tcm:12-800-1024";
Keyword selectedKeywords;
TaxonomyFactory taxonomyFactory = new TaxonomyFactory();
selectedKeywords = taxonomyFactory.GetTaxonomyKeyword(selectedKeywordURI);
TaxonomyRelationManager relationManager = new TaxonomyRelationManager();
ItemTypeCriteria criteria = new ItemTypeCriteria(iComponentItemType);
String[] foundComponentURIS = relationManager.GetTaxonomyContent(selectedKeywords, true, criteria);

Example without criteria (optional):

String selectedKeywordURI = "tcm:12-800-1024";
Keyword selectedKeywords;
TaxonomyFactory taxonomyFactory = new TaxonomyFactory();
selectedKeywords = taxonomyFactory.GetTaxonomyKeyword(selectedKeywordURI);
TaxonomyRelationManager relationManager = new TaxonomyRelationManager();
String[] foundItemsURIS = relationManager.GetTaxonomyContent(selectedKeywords, true);

I hope it helps.

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