Anybody knows what is the reason because a Component created through Anguilla Framework (with clone code) is blocked until I refresh the CME? This is my code:
var componentCloned = $tcm.getItem("tcm:XX-XXXX").clone("tcm:XX-XXXX-2", "ComponentName", false);
$evt.addEventHandler(componentCloned, "loadfailed", function(event){
$evt.addEventHandler(componentCloned, "idchange", function(event){
var controls = $display.getView().properties.controls;
var tab = controls.TabControl.getSelectedItem();
var list = tab.getListComponentPresentations();
var cp = list.getItems();
list.insertItems(cp.length, [event.source.getId()], "tcm:XX-XXXX-32");
Then, when I try to open the Component, it always show me the message "Loading...":
In the folder I can see that the Component has been created correctly and it is not blocked or checked in. Anybody knows what is the problem or any solution?