The problem happens because of a cleanup script that stops the com+ "Tridion Sites Content Manager" and then deletes some log files from the system. Then it starts the com+ again. but the Running Processes under the component Services is not recycled. When I either reboot the server or manually recycle the problem is gone. Now I still have no clue on why this would result in Tidy acting like it does. changing <br/>
to <br>
other than it simply does. So basically now after the cleanup's I run a server reboot. but I would rather have a more solid solution. And yes the com+ needs to be stoped else it won't remove all files that need to to be removed.
$tridion_path = "e:\SDL\Tridion Sites\log","e:\SDL\Tridion Sites\Temp","e:\SDL\Tridion Sites\log\ImportExport","e:\SDL\Tridion Sites\web\Preview","c:\Temp","e:\temp","e:\sdl\tridion sites\bin\transactions","e:\sdl\tridion sites\web\WebUI\WebRoot\Upload","C:\ProgramData\SDL\Upload"
Stop-Service -DisplayName Tridion* -force
Stop-Process -processname TcmTemplate* -force
$comAdmin = New-Object -com ("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog.1")
$comAdmin.ShutdownApplication("Tridion Sites Content Manager")
foreach($file in $tridion_path)
dir $file -recurse |
where { ((get-date)-$_.creationTime).days -gt -7 } |
remove-item -force -recurse
Start-Service -DisplayName Tridion*
$comAdmin = New-Object -com ("COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog.1")
$comAdmin.StartApplication("Tridion Sites Content Manager")