I have successfully created an export package from a Tridion installation using Content Porter 2009 SP2 (v3.2.0.349).
Taking this exported package and attempting to import it into a clean installation (exactly the same version), fails with the below error message:
10/11/2013 1:25:36 PM [Information] Resolving item mappings
10/11/2013 1:25:36 PM [Information] Mappings resolving started
10/11/2013 1:25:37 PM [Information] Mappings resolving finished
10/11/2013 1:25:37 PM [Information] Discovering potential problems
10/11/2013 1:25:37 PM [Information] Problems discovery started
10/11/2013 1:26:18 PM [Information] Problems discovery finished
10/11/2013 1:26:18 PM [Information] Synchronizing content against Schemas
10/11/2013 1:26:18 PM [Information] Content synchronization started
10/11/2013 1:26:24 PM [Information] Content synchronization finished
10/11/2013 1:26:41 PM [Information] Import started
10/11/2013 1:26:41 PM [Information] Importing System Administration items
10/11/2013 1:26:44 PM [Information] Importing items into '020 Global Content EN (Master)' Publication
10/11/2013 1:26:44 PM [Information] Importing items into '020 Global Content EN (Master)' Publication started at 14:26:44
10/11/2013 1:36:34 PM [Error] <?xml version="1.0"?>
<tcm:Error xmlns:tcm="http://www.tridion.com/ContentManager/5.0" ErrorCode="8004E007" Category="7" Source="Kernel" Severity="1"><tcm:Line ErrorCode="8004E007" Cause="true"><![CDATA[Automation error
You made a method call on a COM component that has a transaction that has already committed or aborted. ]]></tcm:Line><tcm:Details><tcm:CallStack><tcm:Location>Request.GetItem</tcm:Location><tcm:Location>XMLResponder.Request</tcm:Location></tcm:CallStack></tcm:Details></tcm:Error>
10/11/2013 1:36:37 PM [Information] Import failed
Start time: 2013-10-11 14:26:25
End time: 2013-10-11 14:36:37
All changes made during import process were rolled back
10/11/2013 1:36:37 PM [Error] Transactional import failed. No changes will be commited.
10/11/2013 1:36:37 PM [Information] Import completed
The package is at level 020, and depends on 010 and 000, both of which have successfully exported from the source installation and imported into the destination installation.
I'm not aware of anything funky with the 020 level, but was not involved in the creation of the system. Has anyone else had this error before, or have any suggestions on how to resolve it?
P.S. Terrible about the misspelling of 'committed' in the second to last line of the log.