I am implementing experience manager with my DD4T solution. I have configured regions and implemented on my DD4T page view. HTML markup seems to be correct but I am not able to drag & drop any component within the region.
Can anyone tell me what will be the default feature of experience manager UI related to region and content. Please suggest, What step I have missed. Below are the markup of my page:
<section class="main" role="main">
<figure id="ball-box" class="widgetContainer">
<!-- Start Region: { "title": "Home Page Widget", "allowedComponentTypes": [ {"schema": "tcm:33-76-8", "template": "tcm:33-1675-32"} ], "minOccurs": 1, "maxOccurs": 2 } --> } -->
<figcaption id="homeWidget" class="homepage widget">
<!-- Start Component Presentation: {"ComponentID" : "tcm:33-1690", "ComponentModified" : "2014-07-30T16:49:20", "ComponentTemplateID" : "tcm:33-1675-32", "ComponentTemplateModified" : "2014-05-06T19:23:41", "IsRepositoryPublished" : false} -->
<!-- Start Component Field: {"XPath":"tcm:Content/custom:HomePageWidget/custom:Header[1]"} -->
<Component text 1>
<!-- Start Component Field: {"XPath":"tcm:Content/custom:HomePageWidget/custom:Description[1]"} -->
<Component text 2>
<a href="/Services/" class="learn-more"><!-- Start Component Field: {"XPath":"tcm:Content/custom:HomePageWidget/custom:Link[1]/custom:LinkText[1]"} --><Component text 3></a>
<!-- Page Settings: {"PageID":"tcm:33-1671-64","PageModified":"2014-07-25T17:35:32","PageTemplateID":"tcm:33-1673-128","PageTemplateModified":"2014-04-23T15:03:59"} --><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" defer="defer" src="http://<cmsurl>/WebUI/Editors/SiteEdit/Views/Bootstrap/Bootstrap.aspx?mode=js" id="tridion.siteedit"></script>;
My region setting is as below:
<!-- Define all the schema's that are used in a region here -->
<schema name="Home Page Widget" tcmUri="tcm:33-76-8" />
<!-- Define all the Component Templates that are used in a region here -->
<template name="HomePage Widget DD4T CT" tcmUri="tcm:33-1675-32" />
<!-- Define regions below. Schema must match a schema name in the <schemas> tag. Template must match a template name in the <templates> tag -->
<region name="Home Page Widget" id="HomePageWidget">
<componentType schema="Home Page Widget" template="HomePage Widget DD4T CT" />