We have a website that uses static content from Tridion published to the filesystem. We are working on changing it over to a DD4T website with content from Tridion being published to the Database. There are 26 site publications and 100’s of components and pages in them. Most of the sites publications are language specific with translated content in them.
We plan to do a phased in migration of the website, so that a portion of the website is migrated to DD4T while others are still served by the filesystem (within a given publication). We will handle which parts are served by the filesystem and which parts are served by the database via web server configuration that will direct the request appropriately. But we have an issue: How can we publish the updated pages to the DB while still keeping the old page in the filesystem for a particular publication?
Since our existing content broker is still serving the pages from the filesystem to the customer while we are developing them in DD4T and publishing them (before redirecting the URL to go to the DD4T application that will serve them), we need a way to publish the updated pages to DB while still keeping them in the filesystem. But if we simply update the cd_storage.xml for the publication to change it from the filesystem to the database and then publish content, the content will be removed from the file system while being added to the database.
So again, the question is: How can we publish the updated pages to the DB while still keeping the old page in the filesystem for a particular publication?