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3 votes
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Additional code only for certain lang on multi language site

We have a client with a multi language site, where the client requests for certain set of functionalities only for certain languages. They want to try out some language sites before rolling out ...
Rams's user avatar
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12 votes
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Why can't I change the key of a localized keyword?

In Tridion keyword keys can be changed at the global level without any issue. However a localized keyword key cannot be changed and gives the error: "Unable to save item Invalid value for property '...
G. Robb's user avatar
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3 answers

"Sealed" Keyword Equivalent/Similar functionality in Tridion | Stop Inheritance from Parent Publication to Child Publication

Working as a regular C# developer, I was experimenting around the "Sealed" functionality of C#. So, while using Sealed, Child class CANNOT override Parent class Method. So, in Tridion, Is it ...
D Simm's user avatar
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After creation of child BluePrint publication, cannot view group security rights

I have created new blueprint publications and I am not able to set group security rights within the publication properties. I have tried browsers: IE 11, FireFox and Chrome with both latest hotfix ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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BluePrint unable to 'Create New Child' publication in Chrome

I am unable to create a new child publication in our existing BluePrint. I have experienced this previously (approx 1 week ago), and went on the server through localhost and was able to create that ...
Andy Ross's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to unlocalize a Structure Group?

We have a compound Component Template (CT) that has a Template Building Block (TBB) which contains a component link. When this CT was created, the Default Finish Actions had a structure group (SG) ...
J Stuart's user avatar
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Bundles and experience manager

I am currently working on creating workflow and have come up against a small road block and wanted to check if what I am trying to achieve is technically possible or if I am barking up the wrong tree. ...
Matt Hill's user avatar
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2 answers

Collapse multiple publications into one publication

When tasked with creating a Blueprint for my company a couple of years ago, there where requirements to separate rights from users that should not be able to perform certain actions. So at the time, I ...
Trevor Bartlett's user avatar