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Web service that queries Broker Database outside of SDL Web 8.5?

I know that there exists an API to query the Broker Database within the web application runtime of Web 8.5. I'm curious if there is an API that exists for a simple app that I'm trying to write for ...
imcz's user avatar
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Why OData is missing some components with Filter criteria whereas it works fine if also provide the component Id in Query?

We are facing an issue where few of our components are not appearing which we are exposing through OData. When I hit the below query:
Yash's user avatar
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7 votes
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performance- odata vs content delivery api

Is there any difference in the underlying approach of retrieving content from broker by using odata service vs using content delivery api? Does Odata service internally use content delivery api to ...
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Multiple Publications - One broker database

I've always gone with the rule of 1 Broker per website, the main reasons being for most efficient CCS, cleaner deploying set up, separation of concerns if one 'goes down' etc We have a new ...
johnwinter's user avatar
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