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Questions tagged [brokerquery]

The Content Broker Query API contains functionality to query for content in the Content Data Store. This is found in the `Tridion.ContentDelivery.DynamicContent.Query` and `Tridion.ContentDelivery.DynamicContent.Filters` namespaces for .Net.

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Problem executing entity query - Sites 10 and DXA 2.3

We have broker queries running OK on Sites 9.5 and DXA 2.9, after upgrade to Sites 10 and DXA 2.3 the queries return empty result with the following error logged in cd_client.log [Tridion....
copoet's user avatar
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How to get keyword by tcm id from GraphQL

We are currently rewriting some old .net code that is using the old in process api to retrieve published data from broker. We are now trying to rewrite this to GraphQL. We stumble into a lot of things ...
Fredrik Sundman's user avatar
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Broker Query on a metadata field that is a component link with potential multiple values

I need to query for components that have the same component linked inside a metadata multi value component field. e.g. as shown in the image below, I want to query for components for which ...
Mike Shelton's user avatar
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How to query component with a multi-value component link field inside

I need to query for components that all have the same component linked inside a multi-value component link field. I can query simple string fields without problem using CustomMetaKeyCriteria/...
David Garcia's user avatar
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random sort criteria in broker query

I have a requirement to get randomly display testimonial content based on custom tagged criteria. There could potentially be nearly 5-10 components that match the criteria. I have used ...
Shiva's user avatar
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CustomMetaDateRangeCriteria is not working after upgrading to sites 9.5 from 8.5 version

We have two date fields (start and end) in component Metadata. We are displaying all the components with a start date less than the current server time and an end date is greater than the current ...
Tridion New User's user avatar
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formulate URLs for application which are component/metadata based

How to formulate URLs for application which are component/metadata based ? How can we query brokerdb to get them Thanks
sachin jain's user avatar
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Search a Keyword by KeywordMetadata

I need to retrieve components that have linked a keyword which an specific metadata value. As an entry we have the schema type, the field name and the keyword metadata value. Is this possible with ...
tfinez's user avatar
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How to remove the publications from the Broker which have got deleted from Tridion Docs CMS?

I see a list of different version of publications in PUBLICATIONS table of the broker DB which have already been deleted from Tridion Docs CMS. So I don't have the unpublishing option for those ...
Manish Mehmood's user avatar
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Broker query for published binaries using a certain schema

We are trying to generate a list of all published Download components on our site (these components all use the same (Multimedia) schema). We are using DXA 2.0 Java and had the idea to use the out of ...
Will Price's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I query for Tridion Docs content with conditions?

I have a Tridion Docs 13 SP2 publication with a map and several topics. The map and the topics all have a condition applied to them (something simple, like Test=Print). For instance: I've published ...
Damian Jewett's user avatar
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Performance impact of Broker query to retrieve page details with 300-600 rpm on the website

We have implemented our application using SDL Web 8.5 and DXA 2.0. The product detail pages in our application needs to be queried from the Broker DB using Broker API. Now, as per existing application ...
NewUser's user avatar
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Web service that queries Broker Database outside of SDL Web 8.5?

I know that there exists an API to query the Broker Database within the web application runtime of Web 8.5. I'm curious if there is an API that exists for a simple app that I'm trying to write for ...
imcz's user avatar
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DXA 2.0 - Add Content data field as Sort Parameter in Broker query

Currently the code available in Core module help us to include sorting parameter for brokery query as shown below. This implementation has option to include Meta key for Metadata field. But i need to ...
SRajeshK's user avatar
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How to resolve component links in Rich Text Field when getting content from BrokerQuery?

By default DXA resolves Component Links in Rich Text field and Component Link fields when rendering the components directly. But when we get the contents as a result of our broker Query and then ...
Rache's user avatar
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Retrieve page or pages that contain certain component on the component presentation list

I need to retrieve the page or pages that are published and the component presentation of the page (or pages) contain a certain component. If a component exists on multiple pages, I would like to know ...
Payam's user avatar
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CIL | Content Service | No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

We are trying to query broker database relying on the SDL Web Content Interaction Library (CIL) and Content Broker Query API (C#). We keep getting the error - No connection could be made because the ...
MilanaN's user avatar
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DynamicList returns list of entities with null values

Originally, I had extended DynamicList<FAQs, SimpleBrokerQuery> from my custom model FAQsContentList where I want to execute a SimpleBrokerQuery on a few filterKeywords. In the logs I can see ...
Rache's user avatar
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Not getting entity data in broker query

For dynamic banners, I have created a new Banner multimedia Schema, CustomTeaser.class, CustomContentList.class with all required parameters. I have also created CustomListController by extending ...
Saurabh Jha's user avatar
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How to make Service Cache publish aware?

Working on Web SDL 8.5, I am dealing with an issue that service cache is not aware of new publication. As such, when a query is executed, the results do not contain the newly published dynamic ...
Payam's user avatar
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Broker: find a Page using a specific Component and Component Template

I have a use case where I need to find the Page URL from a Page using a certain Component Presentation (given componentId and templateId). I am trying to find the Page using Criteria but I can't find ...
Inmaculada Palacios's user avatar
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How to retrieve a list of all Meta keys and values for a particular component in SDL Web 8

I want to retrieve all Meta keys and value for a particular component , I am using web forms and I have duplicate Meta key's in my Custom_meta table. I want to read them on content delivery side. The ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar