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Questions tagged [broker]

For questions related to the Content Broker, Storage Layer or Content Data Store.

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Unable to Delete component although it is unpublished from broker

A component is unpublished from broker database, but while trying to delete the component, it keeps notifying the component is already published.
user6105's user avatar
1 vote
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Tridion CMS and Broker database out of sync

I am displaying tridion component (with TCM ID) on the web page, but when I search the same id in tridion cms, it is not there, but we do have the component in broker database seems. Can it be ...
Thakur's user avatar
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2 answers

Tridion Total Content Size

How can I find out the total content size in a particular publication (all Tridion items) or in the entire Tridion system (All publications)? Please suggest.
Thakur's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Tridion Broker Connection pool size

We moved from SDL 2013 SP1 to SDL Web 8.5 and we are using In Process API. We have 40+ Applications hosted on 8 servers. When we did load test for 7000 concurrent users, CPU maxed out. When I ...
Prasanna K Gollamudi's user avatar
1 vote
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Url of dynamic component

Is it possible to get the URL of pages where a dynamic component has been used, i.e. to resolve a URL at run time of a dynamic component. Here is the exact scenario which I am referring to in my ...
Bhawna Jain's user avatar
0 votes
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In which table I can see Keyword Metadata Information in Broker Db?

We have keywords which have Metadata Schema and some values in the Keyword metadata. Is there any specific table where I can see Metadata info for the Keywords? I can see one Entry in Custom_Meta ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
0 votes
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DXA Dynamic Component Template

We are using DXA 1.7 and would like to populate the components dynamically on a page based on the condition. On a tridion page, what needs to be added (for dynamic CT) and when the dynamic logic need ...
Sikarwar's user avatar
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Is it possible to store empty Component fields as well in DB while we save Component?

In our implementation of the DXA web app, most of the times we encounter scenarios where the Components are NOT having content in all the fields. Is there a way to store these empty fields in the DB ...
NewUser's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

DXA 2.0 API to Retrieve DCPs as Entity Models in a REST API

I have a DXA 2.0 webapp with Web 8.5 working without issues. I am trying to build a REST API in DXA to spit out JSON content of a DCP. I'm able to use the Broker API (ComponentPresentationFactory) to ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Web service that queries Broker Database outside of SDL Web 8.5?

I know that there exists an API to query the Broker Database within the web application runtime of Web 8.5. I'm curious if there is an API that exists for a simple app that I'm trying to write for ...
imcz's user avatar
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Unique topology mapping scenario for web application

I am moving from 2013 with DXA 1.2 to 8.5 with DXA 1.7 with Topology Manager based publishing. In my old application, following used to be my Url for LIVE and STAGING. https://mydomain:8080/LIVE/...
Shiva's user avatar
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1 answer

DXA 2.0 - Get ComponentTemplateId using Component Id in .Net

To render dynamic contents, using broker query to get related components tcmuri. Now using these component tcm-uri's need to get the Component Template Id. Since we need both Component Id and ...
SRajeshK's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I have two different PAGE_ID values for the same URL in LINK_INFO

In the LINK_INFO of my broker database, I can see that for a given URL there are several records. I'd expect that these should all have the same PAGE_ID but this is not so. (I'm looking at records for ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to publish metadata-binary to Broker database?

We have a Page Metadata Schema where editors can embed a Multimedia Component. When we publish the Page to the Broker database, it seems that the binary is not published to the database (TCM id is ...
Herman Desmet's user avatar
1 vote
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Categories publishing failing

I am having problems publishing Categories from our Dev CMS. I am able to publish Pages and Components in Dev though. The error that I am receiving is: 2018-07-12 05:03:05,721 ERROR ...
k951's user avatar
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Find Component by Keyword Key used in a concrete meta field

We have a Component in which a Keyword is linked to one meta field and we were searching for the Component by its Key TcmUri[] retrieveComponentTcm(String code, int publicationId) throws ...
tfinez's user avatar
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Issues while querying Number type metadata fileds through JSP content broker query API

I have a legacy implementation where we have some components got number type metadata filed. Downstream applications uses JSP content broker query API and queries for components with number filters. ...
Nageswara Sarma Aravelli's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I Fetch a Component Presentation From the Content Service Using Odata Based on Keyword

We are running web 8.5 with the latest content delivery setup. We have a component X which has two fields (both are regular content fields and not metadata): Key, and Value The key is a keyword from ...
Nicholas Wetmore's user avatar
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Why transport package on deployer does not contain components.xml when I publish page in json format?

We are publishing page output in json. We are not using any DWT code to generate json. To generate json, we are doing changes at page template TBB. Json output is coming in below format. "regions": { ...
Vivek's user avatar
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What TBBs or finishing actions are responsible for putting linked components in a database?

I'm using Tridion 8.5 and DXA 1.6. I have schema A, which uses embedded schema Q, and has a component link to Schema Z. Schema A only has one component template (which is published embedded on the ...
paceaux's user avatar
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Best Practices for deploying to multiple databases in Web 8.5

Background: I'm working on a project where we are upgrading from Tridion 2013 to Web 8.5. We currently have several sites set up in the existing Tridion 2013 implementation that connect to several ...
Damian Jewett's user avatar
2 votes
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Unpublish complete Publication

We need to unpublish a complete Publication with thousands of Components and Pages. Usually, we can do it unpublishing all using the Publishing Queue but this action blocks the Queue during various ...
Guskermitt's user avatar
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Web8.5- Can content-tags.tld be used instead of cd_tags.tld?

I'll upgrade Tridoin 2013 to Web8.5. Also I'll use RESTful Broker API. Tridion templates generate Java Tag library, for instance <ComponentLink> when publishing. On Tridoin 2013, such Tag ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
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3 answers

Component changes are not showing until app pool is restarted

We have this problem with Component Templates with output format: REL and published as Dynamic Component When we do a content update on the Component, and publish it, the changes don't show up in the ...
Carolina's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Supported modification on Tridion Broker database

We have suggestions from our DB team to add some indexes on broker database. I know that in general database modifications should be off limits (not supported), but it looks to me that adding indexes ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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From static pages (with DWT) to broker database

Currently we have a 2013 SP1 environment where (.aspx) pages are published to the filesystem. The component templates use mostly Dream Weaver Templates. Is is possible to publish this pages directly ...
Peter van der Lugt's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Is Content Service's performance no problem compared with in-process API?

I'll upgrade Tridion 2013 SP1 to SDL Web 8.5. Then Broker API will be changed to RESTfull API (Java) from in-process API. I'm concerned about Content Service's performance on SDL Web 8.5. On Tridion ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there recommended Tomcat version for In Process Broker API?

When serving Web site by using Tomcat, and using Broker legacy API (in-process), is there any recommended version of Tomcat? On RESTful API, client-side API requires only Java 8.0. This is described ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Content Broker database - Using non relational database with DXA

Like DXA works with JSON, a database like MongoDB (non-relational) would give a better performance than a DB2 database. Could we use a database non relational for the Broker?
Guskermitt's user avatar
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4 votes
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Broker: find a Page using a specific Component and Component Template

I have a use case where I need to find the Page URL from a Page using a certain Component Presentation (given componentId and templateId). I am trying to find the Page using Criteria but I can't find ...
Inmaculada Palacios's user avatar
1 vote
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Web 8.5 - How to implement and configure custom TCDL on Web site with RESTful Broker API?

I intend to implement TCDL on Web 8.5 I'm using RESTful Broker API (Java). I saw manual but I couldn't understand how to implement and configure TCDL. Creating custom TCDL tags The manual describes ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
1 vote
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Why OData is missing some components with Filter criteria whereas it works fine if also provide the component Id in Query?

We are facing an issue where few of our components are not appearing which we are exposing through OData. When I hit the below query:
Yash's user avatar
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How to get dynamic component presentation on DD4T2 (.NET)?

I've published a component and verified that it's in the broker database: I'd like to retrieve this dynamic component presentation on the web app using DD4T. My current attempt: private ...
Tim Alonso's user avatar
2 votes
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No matching Localization found for Url

We are getting below error while deployment. Site goes down for 1-2 minutes and then automatically comes up. It usually happens when we do the deployment. Once we recycle app pool everything starts ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
3 votes
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Tridion Broker DB Taxonomy Java API query for multiple Criteria

I'm doing a POC to send multiple Criteria through Taxonomy API to retrieve the item reference ID from the ITEM_CATEGORIES_AND_KEYWORDS table. If I've only one Criteria to send, then I am able to ...
Subhadeep Dasgupta's user avatar
3 votes
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Taxonomy publishing issue, when Category/Keyword in CM & broker databases are not in sync

I am trying to publish a taxonmy, but following getting error : Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UIX_TAXFACETS'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.TAXFACETS'. The duplicate key value is (...
Saurabh Mehndiratta's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to read linked Components TCM URI's from custom meta of a Component

I have linked Components in my Component's custom metadata, I want to read tcm uri of them on Content Delivery (WebForms Applciation not DD4T). Here is how Custom_Meta Table in Broker looks like ...
Neelesh Raghuvanshi's user avatar
3 votes
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TaxonomyKeywordKeyCriteria ignores publication Id

I'm using TaxonomyKeywordKeyCriteria to find Components that have a related Keyword. I only have the Keyword key and not the TCM URI. My code: Criteria criteria = new TaxonomyKeywordKeyCriteria(...
Guskermitt's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Page unpublished and deleted from CME, but page entry still exists in DB. How to clean the entry in DB?

I unpublished a Page from CME and after successful unpublish from publishing queue, deleted the page. But when I checked the DB, I still see the entry of the page. Now there is no way for me to try ...
GVK's user avatar
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query the Broker database on SDL Web 8.5

I'm querying the Broker DB on SDL Web 8.5: CustomMetaValueCriteria index = new CustomMetaValueCriteria( new CustomMetaKeyCriteria("index"), ...
Theo's user avatar
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Can we use same OData Webservice instance to serve content from different Brokers

If we have 3 web-applications pointing to 3 different Brokers then how the OData-webservice instance should be configured to serve the content for all 3 web-applications. Do we need to setup 3 Odata-...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the best approach for Mapping Broker and Web-Applications

What is better approach; Need to know what are the pros and cons for both options. 1) Create separate Broker for each web-application. So on publishing each application content will publish to its ...
Gulshan Thakur's user avatar
6 votes
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Why does the Component Presentation Assembler not execute JSP code?

We're busy upgrading to Web 8.5, and I'm having some problems with JSP Dynamic Component Presentations. These are correctly deployed to disk, and the ComponentPresentationFactory is able to locate my ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar
4 votes
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What are the TCDBroker, TCDLink, and TCDWAI in Tridion 2013 SP1? I am getting event log errors on startup

I am running Tridion 2013 SP1 on a VM that I have recently copied from a corrupt drive to a new drive. When I start up the VM and go in to the Tridion CM, the UI is broken. The event viewer shows an ...
Paul Russell's user avatar
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2 votes
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Issue with meta query on web 8.5

I am having with broker query in web 8.5, the fields names are getting lost while forming the query. Query build using API: var query = new Query(); var criteria = new List<Criteria>(); var ...
Rafeeq's user avatar
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How to setup auto failover for broker database clusters

Our production environment has two redundant data centers. Within each data center we have multiple web servers talking to a single SQL cluster which has multiple broker DB servers. The clustering ...
Brandon Mahoney's user avatar
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Broker Query for Metadata Date Fields

I have a business requirement to fetch Components based on a Schema from broker database on the basis of two date fields in metadata: start_date and end_date. I will have one date input and the query ...
Mohd Kashif's user avatar
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Is Web 8's hotfix CD_8.1.1.2347 available for Java?

I'm migrating Tridion 2011 SP1 to SDL Web 8. I have custom Java Tag Library which is using 2011 SP1's Broker API. Because it's upgrading from old version, I use "In Process" API. The custom Tag ...
Hirokazu Shikata's user avatar
5 votes
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JSP Statements Not Interpreted in a DCP

I've a DCP that renders a JSP statement <% out.println("Hello"); %>. I'm trying to execute the JSP statement by using the CD API on a static JSP page. I've tried all possible scenarios - making ...
Sabarish Senthilnathan's user avatar
5 votes
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Using multiple custom meta data keyword Criteria in a single query as LIKE operators

I need to accomplish the following, and I can't find any working method for it. We have articles with a custom metadata field of comma-separated keyword values, the code I've built split's by comma ...
Kris Trygg's user avatar