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Component created through Anguilla Framework is blocked

Anybody knows what is the reason because a Component created through Anguilla Framework (with clone code) is blocked until I refresh the CME? This is my code: var componentCloned = $tcm.getItem("...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Creating component throught Anguilla Framework

I'm trying to create a new Component using Anguilla Framework with this code increment = 0; var publicationId = "tcm:0-xx-1"; var orgItemId = "tcm:xx-yy-2"; var schemaId = "tcm:xx-zz-8"; var item = ...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

How to display Custom Message/Banner on Content Manager Explorer

We have 2 instances of Content Manager, and we want to alert users in case we are installing any release or doing some maintenance activities on the server. I just want to display a custom Message/...
Yash's user avatar
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Adding or removing words from tridion spell checker

What is the right way to add / remove words from Tridion spell checker (company name, terms etc.)? Looking at the default configuration, it looks like we can add a new configuration element to your ...
Shiva's user avatar
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3 votes
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Add Component Presentation using Anguilla JavaScript

Is there any way to add a Component Presentation into a Page with Anguilla JavaScript? I've seen this code in the view InsertComponentPresentation.js (WebUI\Editors\CME\Views\Popups\...
Sergio Alonso's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Getting the current selected item in Command Console using GUI extension commands

I am able to get the currently selected folder in CME using: $models.getNavigator().properties.contextUri; Below is the output: However, I am unable to get the currently selected item in right pane. ...
Arvind thiag's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

gui extension - selecting the correct frame and using correctly the Javascript Console

I have just started with developing GUI extensions in Tridion 2013 SP1. I am facing difficulties in getting it set up correctly first. The javascript console doesn't recognizes any aliases like: $...
Arvind thiag's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Anguilla | FilteredListControl load Event

Hi GUI/Anguilla Experts, I am trying to call a function once FilteredListControl (shows items in the right panel in tridion GUI) finished loading. I am adding event handler as below but it doesn't ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

GUI Extension Model and Editor in the same config file

According to the documentation, it is possible for a GUI extension to have both the model and editor in the same configuration file. However, I am unable to get this to work. Here is my Editor....
Rob Stevenson-Leggett's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to get the Anguilla $models object in Chrome console

I would like to use the $models object while hacking javascript in the Google Chrome Console . For example, I would like a 1 line sample of how to get the $models object and then be able to : $models....
robrtc's user avatar
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2 answers

JS file is not loading From editor.config(Load Jquery js files eg(Jquery UI)) for GUI Extensions

Hi i am working on gui extension want to add some jquery libraries but it is not loading in the cme ,CME got Crashed,i am using jquery and jqery ui js i have this config <cfg:group name="...
Pankaj786's user avatar
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