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DXA Model mapping issue with ReadFromXhtmlElement

I can see there is an overridable function public override void ReadFromXhtmlElement(XmlElement xhtmlElement) available in MediaItem class. I have overrided this function in my child class. But ...
Mukesh Kumar's user avatar
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ERROR : _all.json' not found for Localization | DXA 1.4 .NET web 8.1.1

I have installed DXA 1.4 .NET on my SDL Web 8 System. When I hit application, I get the following message: Item '/system/config/_all.json' not found for Localization '6' Site.log error ERROR - ...
meyank's user avatar
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Encoding Query string causes Error 500 DXA 1.4

I am having this issue when I am sending an encoded query string. The server is returning a 500 Error. I am using the js function encodeURIComponent to encode things in the front end and then use .NET ...
Tung Do's user avatar
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Steps for install DXA 1.4 .Net & Java

What are the steps to install DXA 1.4 .Net & Java content delivery website on the same machine whereas both programming language using same CMS i.e. Web 8? Additional information: I have ...
Vivek Kwatra's user avatar