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Questions tagged [custom-resolver]

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Custom Rendering for different publishing targets when triggered in Workflow

We have multiple publishing targets part of workflow. Content will be published to each target when the activity instance is started. We want to capture the rendered data in the first activity ...
SRajeshK's user avatar
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Custom Resolver Addon always has empty resolvedItems collection

When deploying any custom resolver Addon, the resolvedItems collection in the Resolve method is always empty (count = 0). I suspect that the custom resolver is loaded BEFORE any of the OOTB resolvers (...
Mario van der Hoeven-Riesebos's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Custom Resolver - Resolve Function resolve items is not getting populated with resolved items

I wrote a custom resolver that, when a Component (having components link) is published, it is restricting the components to publish depending upon the schema. My issue is that, the Resolve function ...
vishal's user avatar
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For Sites 9.1, Custom resolver which covers both itemType Page and Component together in manifest.json

For Sites 9.1, I have written Custom resolver for doing an action when someone Un-publish page or component. I am deploying using Add-on server. My package consists of .dll and manifest file. Sharing ...
Mohan Kushwaha's user avatar
1 vote
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Custom Component Resolver does not execute at publish time

I'm working on CustomComponentResolver for SDL Web 8.5. The resolver should include component links based on some schema in the publish transaction. In the publish dialog I can see all resolved ...
Mark Vlasenko's user avatar
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From where is it better to stop publish in Web 8 or Web 8.5

I'm working with Web 8 and Web 8.5, in both I need to be able to stop a publish based on a custom logic (I should not allow it to be made), my options are: Use event system Probably something like: ...
polonskyg's user avatar
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Is it a best practice to add items to Resolved Items list in Custom Resolver?

Just wanted to check, is it a best practice to add items (ResolvedItems) to ResolvedItems list in a Custom Resolver? Or the Custom Resolver is to be used only for removing Resolved Items for the list?
GVK's user avatar
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Custom resolver failing on a specific environment

We have a custom resolver that adds all Keyword metadata linked Components when a Category is published. We've compiled our resolver and altered the Tridion.ContentManager.config to utilise: <add ...
Andy Rowland's user avatar
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Resolver affected by event system in Tridion 2013

I have implemented and event system that changes component after publish/unpublish and adds time stamp in component field. The component is shared among different publications and we always do ...
Marko Milic's user avatar
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Weird GUI behaviour with custom resolver in 'Show items to publish'

Anyone seen this weird gui-behaviour with Web 8 and a custom resolver ? I wrote a custom resolver that, when a category is published, a specific page also gets published (to make life easy for ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
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Remove dcp from publishing package

We have a CT that has DCP's in his tbb razor code using the specific tag. We want to remove this dcp's from the package that is generated when I publish the component related with the initial CT. ...
Guskermitt's user avatar
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Publishing only a Multimedia/binary Component and not the linked components

I have a requirement of publishing only a Multimedia or Binary Component when it is published and not any other Component linked to it.I understand I need to use Custom resolver, I need to know what ...
Shubh's user avatar
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Could not load type "Website.TridionCMS.ChildPublicationsOnlyResolver' from assembly 'ChildPublicationsOnlyResolver

I've written a custom resolver to block publish transactions from certain publications by referring through below blog
k951's user avatar
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Caching a file when implementing Custom Resolver in Tridion

We are using Tridion's config file and reading out the parameters from this config file into the .NET code. Based on these parameter values, the publish action is performed. But as Custom resolver ...
Abc's user avatar
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Custom Resolver not firing on GetListPublishItems

Our client is using Tridion 2011 with Workflow enabled for its documents publication. The specific versions, as requested: Content Manager Explorer - Build Content Manager - Build 6.1.0....
Dave Forber's user avatar
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How to capture Publish Transaction TCM URI in Custom resolver

Can we capture the PublishTransaction TCM URI in custom Resolver while publishing?
USER1287's user avatar
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How to get the time consumption for different Publish Transaction states

Is there a way to capture the time consumption of Publish Transaction states like rendering,resolving,WaitingForDeployment....
USER1287's user avatar
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How to publish the page in two different locations with two different Page Templates?

I have a Page named PageA created using PageTemplateA in my publicatioN S070. and there is no any child publications to this publication. I am publishing the PageA which is using PageTemplateA,But ...
Target's user avatar
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How to stop internal publishing of nested structure groups when parent is published

We are trying to restrict the publishing of nested SG's when parent SG is published. We tried using Custom resolver and it seems to be working fine by removing the nested SG's. Requirement is to ...
Sam's user avatar
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Null reference exception during unpublish with custom resolver

In our Tridion implementation (2013 SP1), we have built a custom resolver. The resolver code is pretty simple, if we publish a component, and that component is of schema X, then also add all ...
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
7 votes
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Tridion Resolver not Resolving Linked Items

I'm seeing resolving behaviour in Tridion 2013 SP1 that's quite different than what I was used to seeing in 2011 SP1... On one implementation, in 2011 SP1 I had a case where there were a bunch of ...
Nickoli Roussakov's user avatar
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While publishing a page, publish all dynamic components associated with the page

I have a requirement to publish all the dynamic components associated with the page.Also, the dynamic components should be published only if they are not yet published to the current target. My code ...
User344's user avatar
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Is there a TOM.Net API to find whether a particular page been already published to a specific publication target?

I have a requirement to skip publishing of pages or components if the same is already been published to that target. Am trying to write some logic in resolver to achieve this. Any help is appreciated.
Jaison Prabhu Doss's user avatar
5 votes
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Adding Tridion DLLs to the Custom Resolver Solution

I am moving my custom resolver from Tridion version 2011 to 2013 Sp1. I set up the solution on my local machine for this. But I am unable to build it as following dependent assemblies are missing on ...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
10 votes
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How to read ‘Tridion.ContentManager.config’ file from my ‘Custom resolver’ c# code

Experts, I need to read a section of Tridion.ContentManager.config file from my Custom resolver c# code. Any Idea How to do it? As per the SDL Live documentation here (login required): http://...
Saurabh Gangwar's user avatar
6 votes
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How to get Experience Manager to fast-track publish DCPs that are not explicitly added to the page

I am thinking of creating a custom resolver to publish a DCP at the same time a page is published. This DCP is not added to the page in the CMS, but is rendered on the page - hence the need for the ...
Will Price's user avatar
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I don't want to publish any related components when publishing a component

I'm working with Tridion 2009. When I publish a component I expect that it will be publish the dynamic components template related. But, it is also publishing the components where is used. I have a ...
Aroma's user avatar
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Status of linked components when publishing/unpublishing

We have two components (Component A & Component B). Component A has a link to Component B in a RTF field. When Component B is unpublished it causes Component A to be unpublished as well. We ...
Husain Zahid's user avatar
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In Tridion 5.3 which is better to use Event System or Custom Resolver?

We have two different publications with shared content: one for the desktop and other for the mobile web. We would like that if we republish a desktop page the correspondant mobile page gets ...
tfinez's user avatar
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I don't want to publish any related pages when publishing a component

When publishing a component, it publishes the component against its dynamic templates and puts them in the Broker database. This is what I want. But next to the dynamic templates, it also publishes ...
Michaël Geerts's user avatar
7 votes
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Custom Configuration Section in Tridion.ContentManager.Config

*Version: Tridion 2009 * I have added a Custom Configuration section in Tridion.ContentManager.Config for storing some values to be used by the Custom Resolver that I'm writing. I will use this ...
Ayhan Yerli's user avatar
10 votes
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In a custom resolver, how can I determine that the current resolve was triggered by publishing to children in a parent publication?

In a custom resolver, I wish to modify the resolving behaviour only if the item is being published from a parent publication. IResolver.Resolve() has various parameters which may be useful (but maybe ...
Dominic Cronin's user avatar