When I describe Functional Requirements for SmartTarget (ST), I gather:
- Triggers (for ADF Claims)
- Possible/known Trigger values
- ST Regions
- Expectations for ST Promotions (quantity)
I'll also suggest Custom Footprints to give Experience Manager users the ability to test the ST Promotions.
Could someone help me understand how these impact performance?
- Triggers? Is there a practical range for number of Triggers? Can claims be in the 10s, 100s, or more?
- Trigger values? Do the number or type of Trigger values matter?
- Regions? Is it a good idea to re-use ST Regions across pages? Could having too many regions impact performance in delivery?
Finally, would the quantity of promotions matter in delivery (or even in the SmartTarget slide-out navigation pane?)
I suspect "practical" quantities business users can manage are a good design constraint/consideration, but what to better understand the performance impact.