Frequent Popups while working on Classic UI for Sites 9.5. Tridion Sites 9.5 is set up to use SAML IDP in access management.

Some of the details are as follows:

  1. The popup appears every 1 min and closes automatically without the need for any input.

  2. Popup frequency reduces for a small duration of time after an IISRESET on the Content Manager server.

  3. AccessTokeLifetime in Access management settings is set to a default of 3600s.

  4. OIDC_Auth is getting a new value with every popup.

The issue appears to be similar to https://gateway.sdl.com/apex/communityknowledge?articleName=000011500

Thanks for the help in advance.

  • What is SAML Idp provider did you use? In the mentioned gateway articles provided HF for Tridion Sites 9.0 and 9.1 direct integration with SAML 2.0. better I would advise raising a support ticket to RWS/fSDL Support.
    – Velmurugan
    Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 19:41
  • Your Tridion Sites and Access Management, Is it running on the same server? make sure both servers are using the same timezone
    – Velmurugan
    Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 19:43
  • Yes, Tridion Sites and Access management are running on same servers. We are using SAML with Siteminder.
    – Paras
    Commented Oct 22, 2021 at 9:11
  • Anything noteworthy in Tridion Event Log and/or Access Management log file? If not, try changing the Log level. It may also help to just observe the requests sent by the browser (using F12 or a debugging proxy like Fiddler). Commented Nov 5, 2021 at 13:40

1 Answer 1


RWS team provided access management hotfix "AccessManagement_1.0.0.25543" which resolved the issue.

  • Can you please accept your own answer to close this?
    – Velmurugan
    Commented Jul 20, 2023 at 6:59

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