We have a size problem with our catalina.out.
We are configuring the logging.properties
file and the log4j.properties
files. We are setting all of the log levels to WARNING
, but in catalina.out
we still see DEBUG
Here is an example of some of the Deubg statements that we are seeing:
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - ComponentLink Found metadata for page: 79121
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - ComponentLink.getLink(): start retrieving pathinfo for this page: 79121
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - ComponentLink.getLink(): componentLinkInfo.getPageId()<>sourcePageId=81284=79121
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - Path to source page is: /cat/_include
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - Path to found page is :/cat/pagines-finals
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - Score found is 101
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - Found component with score 101
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - ComponentLink.getLink(): found a target page, using PageLink to link to page: 81284
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink - ComponentLink.getLink(): Anchor: null
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.PageLink - PageLink.getLink(...) called to resolve link for page: 81284
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.PageLink - PageLink.getLink(...) got URL from PageMetaData: /cat/pagines-finals/notes-legals.jsp
14:08:16.644 [TP-Processor1] DEBUG com.tridion.linking.PageLink - PageLink.getLink(...) returning link:
Snippet code from our logging.properties: ...
com.tridion.linking.ComponentLink.level = WARNING
com.tridion.linking.PageLink.level = WARNING
Snippet code from our log4j.properties:
log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, FileAppender
log4j.appender.FileAppender.layout.ConversionPattern= %d %-5p: %m%n
This makes our file sprocket grow significantly every day.
How can we change the logging settings so that we only see warning errors (or above)?