I have 3 sets of websites all maintained in Tridion:
- Brand1.com
- Brand2.com
- Brand3.com
Each brand website is implemented in multiple languages. For example:
- Brand1.com/us
- Brand1.com/fr
- Brand1.com/de
- Brand2.com/us
- Brand2.com/ru
- Brand2.com/it
- etc.
I want to implement "live chat" functionality on all brands & languages websites. We have already decided to buy third party plug-in for live chat, so no hectic coding effort is required.
I want to know what I need to do inside Tridion to integrate this third party plug-in and allow my Tridion users to enable / disable chat functionality at: Brand level and Country/language level. For example for Brand1, only these websites are enabled with live chat:
- Brand1.com/us
- Brand1.com/fr
For Brand2, only one website is enabled with live chat:
- Brand2.com/ru
What I need to do for this in Tridion?
How can I change the chat window title and other properties into local language of the website?