This is with the caveat that it's my recent experience; it should be said that I'm sure World Server can discuss any specific requirements / expectations that a client may have and provide the appropriate implementation etc.
So the sentences as we see them are not necessarily the same as the algorithm that parses them for World Server.
From my experience:
Phrases etc. are broken into segments. Segments appear in a particular order. Let's say
- Seg_1: Welcome to my site
- Seg_2: I hope you enjoy your stay
- Seg_3: Let me know if you need help
When this is translated and sent back to Tridion it's now in the translation memory.
Matches / Context
If you resend this you will get what's called an ICE match. That's a 100% of words/terms and in the same order. This is translated directly from memory and (dependant on how you agree your World Server side workflow) sent back immediately.
More than one Context
If you send a component on it's own, (for the sake of argument lets' map our component as a segment) let's say the one that constituted Seg_3
- Seg_3: Let me know if you need help
This won't now be returned as an ICE match. It should still be translated directly from memory as the segment as a unit matches but it's context is different (that is, the content before and after it).
The Translator
In the workflow processes I'm currently dealing with this is checked by a translator to confirm that the context shouldn't result in an update to the translation.
Let's say it got updated by the translator...
Now we have two sets of content in the translation memory
- Seg_1: Welcome to my site
- Seg_2: I hope you enjoy your stay
- Seg_3: Let me know if you need help
- Seg_1: Let me know if you need help
If you sent a third context for Let me know if you need help the you would see, in the World Server GUI that there is more than one option for the translation - or you may require an explicit one for this context.
Of course, sending
Seg_1: Let me know if you need help
on it's own again would result in the ICE match from our second submission.
It goes on then that if you updated a word (and this includes placeholders if you use them for labels in your text) then the whole segment really changes and all the words within it would likely require translation - furthermore it would then change the context of the surrounding segments that would likely require translation and not be seen as ICE matches at this point.