I am going to set vanity links in DXA application. The vanity links are updated dynamically so we are managing that in Tridion Component. We use that Component data to create Alias.config
file and put that in root DXA application folder and use IIS Rewrite Module to handle the vanity links. But this works only for the parent site like ABC.com. When we are launching another geo site like abc.com/aa the same set of vanity link does not work there. For that we have to add again new set of vanity link like below:
For abc.com : <add key="/vanity1" value="/target1/" />
For abc.com/aa : <add key="/aa/vanity1" value="/aa/target1/" />
As we have multiple geo sites, if we go with this solution we have to add a lot of such duplicate entries. Also this will increase the size of alias.config file and may cause the application to break.
Can any one guide me with the solution for such problem.
**We are using a single Web application to handle all geo requests.